One eyelid fluttered open as I strained to determine if I really heard what I thought I heard. My suspicions were confirmed with the next telltale sound so I threw back the warm covers and groggily shuffled through the minefield of Legos, the overturned art table and leaking sippy cup as I tried to avoid tripping over the dog dancing in anticipation of her breakfast. I stepped into the kitchen and looked at my toddler standing with both feet squarely in the dog’s water bowl, doing his own version of Lord of the Dance: Waterworld. He noticed me and flashed his dazzling dimpled grin as he picked up the pace to impress me with his skills. The urge to just turn around and go back to bed was VERY appealing. Of course, just then both the doorbell and phone began ringing. I took a deep breath and evaluated my coping skills for the day ahead and realized that I was seriously lacking.
Have you ever had a day where before 7 AM you were ready to sink to the floor and cry? Oh yes, it’s actually funny later, but at the time…. I used to try to be brave and go it alone, but I’m learning a better way. I’d love to share and also hear from you as well.
1. Thankfully, God is with us to help us:
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:4-5 ESV
Even though I may only have five minutes between my child’s escapades, it’s enough time to praise God, read a Psalm or simply acknowledge God’s presence. Find that chunk of time in your day because it provides life from the Vine that we so desperately need.
- God is ever present AND He sends friends and mentors to provide encouragement, guidance, laughter and perspective that all our efforts with our family will make a difference:
“Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.” Proverbs 27:9 ESV
If you realize that you are trying to be a Lone Ranger Mama, I encourage you to seek out friends and mentors. You can reconnect with old friends, make new friends by joining a new playgroup or an online mom community (try, join a mentoring group or seek out an older mom in your church to be your mentor.
Most of all, I just want to encourage you that you are not alone. Even when you want to go face first into your Cheerios, you have support all around you. Look up, wipe off your face, reach out your hand and get connected!
I care and I would like to hear about a day you went face down in the Cheerios and how reaching out to connect with God and a friend or mentor helped you!
For more resources about spending time in the Word and connecting with God, please check out
Tara is an Associate with iBloom. She has a heart for helping Moms of young children flourish. Visit her at Tara McClenahan.PLEASE CLICK TO SHARE YOUR COMMENT.