Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finding You.. Every Day by Tara McClenehan, Reaching Moms of Young Children

(Excerpt from “The New Me” by Colleen Kappeler as published in The Mommy Diaries.)
We celebrate our children’s uniquenss with abandon, relishing each new feat of genius, every step of creative independence. We encourage them to chase their dreams, seek out ways to practice their talents and strengths, and enjoy their passions. Why is it so hard to do the same for ourselves?

A map remains useless if left in the glove compartment. As women wired especially to live our own lives, one-of-a-kind creations tailor-made for significant impact, we owe it to ourselves and our families to fiercely protect our core identities. Our legacies flow from them, and they are what touch and move our children most intimately. Cultivate who you are; seek out ways to grow and to stimulate your true self. No one else can fill your role; no one else is prepared so perfectly to love your family, mother your children, live your life. You’ve got what it takes. It’s time to get going.

1.What surprised you the most about yourself once you became a mother?
2.How do you feel you have changed since motherhood? How do you feel you are the same?
3.Are there parts of yourself you feel you’ve lost and you deeply desire to regain?
4.Can you believe that you were created with amazing potential and with gifts that only you can bring to the table? If not, what is holding you back from embracing this truth?

Please add your comments on any of the above questions. We would love to hear from you! Click here to comment.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Off to College We Go! by Lori Snider

It started when my oldest daughter was in the 10th grade; someone would ask how old she was and then I’d say the grade and immediately think- she’s almost a senior! I was known to tear up at the grocery store and any other place. I knew I needed to get a grip on the fact that my girls were going to grow up and leave the house!

I was browsing at the Christian bookstore and came upon the book, Give Them Wings by Carol Kuykendall. This book saved my life! My copy is tear-stained and dog-eared. I have recommended this book to many and have even purchased a few more copies for friends.

In her book, Carol gives advice and personal testimonies to use throughout your child’s high school years. You don’t have to wait until their senior year to buy this book! Here are a couple ideas that you might want to try:

  • Keep a journal of your child’s senior year. I recorded the memories- both good and bad- and gave this as a graduation gift to my girls.
  • Have your family goodbye prior to dropping off your child. Those move-in days are hectic- Carol shares a hilarious story of how her son’s goodbye was abrupt and not at all what she envisioned. Have your prayer and hug time before you head out to the dorm!
  • Make as many decisions ahead of time as possible - finances, phone calls home, and expectations of college breaks. You may adjust these as the year goes on, but it is helpful if you have prayed and thought about major matters!

Enjoy the fact that your child is about to experience a new season of life and send them off with love and support! Let them know you have confidence in their ability to leave the nest! You will soon find ways to embrace this stage of parenting just as you did the other stages! Find the joy!

Lori is an Associate with iBloom and specializes in issues about parenting. She finds great joy in being a Mom and it is her desire that all women embrace and enjoy this amazing role! Click here to see Lori's bio page.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

SPECIAL DELIVERY by Leigh Ann Napier

Have you ever had this happen to you?

  • You get a call from a friend who says exactly what you needed to hear, right when you needed to hear it most
  • You run into someone you haven’t seen in a long time and you know that had you been 5 seconds later, you wouldn’t have seen them
  • You get a card in the mail that just makes your day
  • You are seated next to someone on a plane who shares wonderful information with you about something you are working on
  • Or (one of my personal favorites) a song plays on the radio that expresses your heart and offers you hope for what you are going through

These “happenings” are little gifts from God. They are little reminders to show you that God is a God of details. He cares about you beyond your capacity to understand. He loves you more that you could ever comprehend. God, who created the Universe and everyone and everything in it, knows and cares about YOU to the point of orchestrating other peoples’ errands, the mail truck, the seating chart, traffic, the playlist on your iPod or radio. Details…God is into the details.

Are you noticing these gifts? Are you recognizing when you get a care package from God? Sometimes we don’t even see them. Don’t appreciate God’s creativity in sending us an instant message. Some things that can block the message:

  • Being too busy
  • Running late…always in a rush
  • Focusing on our problems more than our God

Be sure you are accepting deliveries! Look for God to show up. Expect Him to show you His love. Then remember to thank Him and pass on that love to others. They’re desperate for it.

Take a minute and share a “Special Delivery” you have received. Click on "Comments" below.

Leigh Ann is an Associate with iBloom. She helps you plant seeds for a fruitful, loving and lasting marriage. Click here to visit her bio page.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Birthdays and Beauty by Betsy Ringer - The Transition Physician

Did you know a synonym for “transition” is progression? When we are in transition, we often feel stuck. If we can think of it as part of our progression to a new stage, it won’t be so scary.

It’s almost my birthday. Oh, this isn’t just any birthday. I am now, well, let’s just say I have many, many years of experience in “midlife.” Did I say many?! Most of my life is behind me. When I walk past a mirror, I wonder who that person is I’m looking at. On the inside, I feel much prettier than the mirror reflects back.

No matter our age, I wonder if we see ourselves with the beauty God sees us with. I’m reminded of Norman Rockwell’s painting of the young girl looking in the mirror wondering if she’ll ever grow up as pretty as the lady in the magazine. I was a fat little girl with a unibrow. Perhaps beauty found me for a while in my late teens for a number of years. And now? No more physical beauty so it’s time for a transition into a different kind of beauty.

As I think about moving into yet another decade, I have decided that when I look in the mirror I am going to CHOOSE to see the beauty of wisdom, joy, making a difference, using the strengths God gave me, and then turn and look for the next adventure around the corner.

Please celebrate with me! Celebrate YOUR life and CHOOSE to see your beauty! I even have a gift for you…some inspiring quotes:

“A person is only beautiful, when their own beauty, is reflecting on to others.” Tara Grady

“Those who look for beauty, find it.” Unknown

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes.” Sophia Loren

"Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks." Charles Dickens

“Even I don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.” Cindy Crawford

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this. 2 Timothy 2:17

CLICK HERE to share a quote, experience or encouragement for others. YOU matter!

Betsy is an Associate with iBloom. She helps women navigate new life directions whether discovering their design and purpose, changing careers, growing in a leadership role or moving into midlife and beyond. CLICK HERE to learn more about Betsy.