As you will remember from my previous post, taking the time to be in the Bible with the right attitude is critical to our spiritual growth. But we also need to examine how you view the Word of God.
It's difficult to take the Bible lightly or consider it just another book when we truly realize what sets it apart from other books. There are several views of what the Bible is in today's postmodern society ~ everything from a God-inspired work to a book of suggestions to simply a book that we can take some and leave the rest as it suits us. I'm going to take a bold stand and say that if you truly believe the Bible is a God-inspired work, you must believe all of it. It is either all truth or all fiction. There really is no in-between.
The Bible itself says clearly in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NASB:
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
This single passage says that ALL Scripture is inspired by, so we can't take the parts we like and discard the rest. It can be tough to do so but I challenge you to evaluate your view of what the Bible is.
In my next post in this series, we will look at what reading the Word can actually do in and through us!What is your honest view of the Bible? Does the way you live your life and the choices you make reflect that view?
For more information on this topic, please consider this resource.
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Previous posts in this series:
Transformed by the Word