Saturday, May 29, 2010

5 Things Happy People Do Every Day: Part 2 by Betsy Ringer

This blog series is focusing on five things happy people do every day. You’ll be glad to know you can CHOOSE to do these things!! If you missed the first segment, visit the iBloom blog to catch up.

The second thing Happy People do Every Day is: Find your funny bone.

Everywhere I turn I hear admonishing words. “Be responsible. Don’t eat that. Watch what you spend. Get rid of clutter. Exercise more. Write your congressman. Lose weight. Dress stylishly. Scrub your floors, clean your toilets. Give money to _____. Lock your doors. Read a book. Cook healthy meals. Work harder. Raise perfect kids.”

Okay, you get the idea. You hear these words too!! And then there’s the news. Day in day out, many hours a day, the news tells us about all the horrible things people do and terrifying events going on throughout the world. It makes me walk around feeling like Thoreau’s quote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

Now imagine with me the sound of Batman’s bat-mobile screeching to a halt and turning 180 degrees. I just can’t keep going in the direction of constant admonition. I know, I know. Everyone is well meaning with their words and I DO need to be responsible. I get it. But I don’t need to be perfect. It’s really okay. And the news is business. They make their money by making us think we can’t live without knowing what they have to tell us. Even the weather man, bless his heart, makes me nervous about the storm a week away and then when the time comes it fizzles out and he says we lucked out this time.

Okay, so I still watch the weather. It’s intriguing and I DO love thunderstorms and thrill at the sight of all that red on the radar. But I have stopped watching the news. Sure, maybe just enough to keep updated on the important things, but in general, my spirit just can’t handle all the doom and gloom.

So, have you seen “Funniest Home Videos” lately? Try watching it for a good belly laugh. Or look at real life in a different way. Watch kids do the funny things they do. Go to lunch with a friend who makes you laugh. Share stories about people bumping into things or falling down (uh, is it just ME who laughs at that?) Look for things to laugh about. When you have a day that you spill things, drop things, lose things, bump into things - start laughing about it! FIND your funny bone. Funny things are all around us, but we have to let go of trying to live up to all those admonishing words and redirect our thoughts to the silliness and joy all around us.

Proverbs 15:13 (The Message)
A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face;
a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day

Proverbs 17:22 (The Message)
A cheerful disposition is good for your health;
gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.

We invite you to sign up for our FREE iChoose2 journey. iChoose2 Love My Life is one avenue we use to equip you with the essential tools needed to really live a life of passion, balance, purpose, and fulfillment.

Here’s how it works:

1. Go to iChoose2 Love My Life and sign up (fill in your name & email in the box to the right of the page)
2. For the next 40 days, you’ll receive an email from iBloom with your daily iChoose2 challenge.
3. WARNING: At the end of this 40-day journey, if you’ve really participated in each challenge, then your life will be different! You’ll be on your way to really living a life that you love!

Friday, May 21, 2010

5 Things Happy People Do Every Day By Betsy Ringer

We all want to be happy. We want to live happy lives, breathe happy air, and interact with other happy people! We want to love our lives. So what are some things happy people do every day? This blog series explores five things happy people do every day. And you’ll be glad to know you can CHOOSE to do these things!! Join us as we explore these five behaviors:

1. Find something to be grateful about.
2. Find your funny bone.
3. Let love ooze out of you.
4. Allow yourself to be playful; i.e. don’t take yourself so seriously.
5. Find something meaningful to do.

If you miss one, visit our iBloom blog to catch up.

Find something to be grateful about.

My daughter was home from college on her spring break. She is such good company. Yes, she leaves her messes everywhere: laundry on the kitchen floor, purse and papers on the table, powdered sugar and drippings from the cake she baked, and shoes and clothing in the family room. But her messes indicate life and activity in our otherwise quiet house. I loved doing things with her throughout the week – a lunch out one day; a movie another; a shopping afternoon; laughter and heart to heart talks.

We had been together one afternoon then we departed ways as she went to a movie with a friend. Okay, so this sounds wimpy but an incredible feeling of loneliness came over me. As I drove home, a dark feeling just reached out and grabbed me. I tried to analyze it… she was going back to school in a couple days; maybe I was feeling my mortality inching by; or was it the mounds of responsibility that I had waiting for me at home. None of it really seemed big enough to warrant this immensely dark feeling.

I’m sure you have experienced that dark feeling; the one that seems to strangle your joy and cloud your thinking. Perhaps it’s accompanied by sobs or anger or despair. A part of you wants to give into it and just spiral on down. Another part wants to fight it, but you just don’t think you have the strength.

Thankfully, I CHOSE to think about what I had to be grateful for. I started praising God. I thanked Jesus for His life. I acknowledged the Holy Spirit at work in me. I thanked the Lord for my marriage, children, car to drive, air to breathe, fingers on my hands, daffodils ready to bloom… anything I could think of that was good and life-giving.

As I CHOSE to be grateful, the dark feeling vanished and I was aware of the presence of the Lord. The loneliness and burdens were replaced with joy and strength. When I arrived at home, I put on my “Life is Good” shirt, looked in the mirror and smiled with delight.

Happy people choose to be grateful – every day. YOU can do it!!
Philippians 4:8 (New Living Translation)
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

We invite you to sign up for our FREE iChoose2 journey. iChoose2 Love My Life is one avenue we use to equip you with the essential tools needed to really live a life of passion, balance, purpose, and fulfillment.

Here’s how it works:

1. Go to iChoose2 Challenge and sign
up (fill in your name & email in the box to the right of the page)
2. For the next 40 days, you’ll receive an email from iBloom with your daily
iChoose2 challenge.
3. WARNING: At the end of this 40-day journey, if you’ve really participated in
each challenge, then your life will be different! You’ll be on your way to
really living a life that you love!

Monday, May 17, 2010

FREE giveaway from iBloom...

Are you participating in the iChoose2 Love My Life journey?  There are hundreds of women currently going through this Free life-changing experience.  Don’t miss out.  Go to to get started today!

iBloom Founder & President, Kelly Thorne will be sharing the iChoose2 Love My Life talk at the Women of Passionate Purpose Online Conference!  Her session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 25th at 5:30PM EST.  However, the entire online conference is from Tuesday, May 25th- Thursday, May 27th.  There are 13 speaker and this month’s theme is Renewal of Purpose!  And, the tickets are only $15 for ALL 13 sessions!  You don’t want to miss this event.  Plus, it’s completely online, so you can participate in the comfort of your own home in your PJ’s!  And, if for some reason, you’re not able to participate in the live sessions, then your free includes access to the downloadable mp3’s.  So, you can download each of the talks and listen as you workout at the gym!  Click here for more information and to get your tickets today!

But, guess what?!  We have 5 FREE tickets to giveaway!!  The contest ends at 9am on Thursday, May 20th!

To enter the drawing for this amazing gift, please do the following:

1) Click here to leave a comment about your biggest ah-ha from the iChoose2 journey thus far.  If you haven’t signed-up yet, go to to get started now!

2) Go to to become a fan of iBloom.

3) Follow iBloom on Twitter-

4) If you Tweet, Tweet this: I just entered a giveaway from @iBloom to receive a FREE ticket to an online women’s conference! #iChoose2

5) Facebook this: I just entered a giveaway from to receive a FREE ticket to Kelly’s iChoose2 Love My Life Presentation at the Women of Passionate Purpose Online Conference. Contest ends at 9am on 05/20/10.

Best of luck!!