Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Realizing that some of you may be new to the world of blogging, here’s a quick tutorial on how to leave a comment after reading a post:

1. Click the word “Comments or No Comments” at the bottom of each post.

2. You’ll see the actual post page and any other comments people have left.

3. Type your thoughts in the “Leave A Reply” section near the bottom of the page. You can comment on the blog post itself or respond to what someone else had to say about it.

4. Enter your name, email and website IF YOU CHOOSE TO. You can post anonymously if you want to. We’re looking for conversation here more so than identity so feel free to remain anonymous.

5. Be sure to review your post with one last look before clicking on “Submit Comment.”

6. Once you submit, the rest of us can read your thoughts and possibly even respond with a comment of our own.

I know it sounds complicated, but it goes quickly once you get the hang of it.

So, give it a shot. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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