Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Submitted by Sandra Harris Frey

Do you find yourself calling upon the Lord countless times during the day? There are a multitude of reasons we find ourselves asking him for help. It may be for forgiveness of sin or to remember lost souls burdened on our hearts. Many find that they ask for his guidance when faced with tragedy or a difficult decision. We always call upon him and ask for his merciful blessing.

If you know to turn to the Lord for help and you have faith in him and his word, do you have the courage to listen when he speaks? The Lord always has an answer to our prayers. We may not like the answer or it may not be what we were expecting, but we must have the faith to push forward with his plan. It takes courage to walk down the path he has planned for us. There may be forks in the road like temptation or tragedy; however, with the help of the Lord to instill faith and confidence, we can get back on the right path. Listen to him. Let him guide you.

Psalm 86:6
Hear my prayer, O LORD; listen to my cry for mercy.

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