According to Wikipedia:
Gratitude, thankfulness, or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.
Gratitude and Well-Being:
A large body of recent work has suggested that people who are more grateful have higher levels of well-being. Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships.
So, are you grateful?
One of my favorite life coaching exercises to do with women is to help them create a list of at least 100 things (yes, I did just say - 100 things on a list) that they're grateful for in their life. Obviously your list will have those big things - like perhaps your relationship with God, your husband, your children, your family, friends, etc., but be sure to include those small things that we often take for granted, yet greatly appreciate.
Here are a few things from my list:
A relationship with God: When I really sit back and ponder this reality, it completely boggles my mind. The Creator of the Universe knows ME by name. He calls me His beloved. He longs to hear my voice and for me to hear His!
My Family: I really do have the BEST family in the world. Words can't really describe what a blessing and gift my family is to me. We love, encourage, and support one another in each endeavor.
Jon Gore: In case you haven't heard, I'm dating the most fabulous guy in the world. For those of you who know my story of trusting and waiting on God's perfect timing for my future husband - you realize just what a miracle this relationship is from God. We really are the perfect match - lots of similarities, yet differences that complement one another. I am a better person for having Jon invested in my life.
My Friends: I am SO incredibly blessed to have some of the best friends in the world. Some I've known since elementary school, some live life with me on a daily basis, some are far, far away, and some are mere acquaintances - yet one thing is for sure, all have impacted my life in significant ways, for which I am so grateful.
My Dogs: Lady (now in doggie Heaven), Hope, and Max are my babies! On a regular basis these precious animals teach me about unconditional love. They are such a joy and gift from God in my life.
iBloom: I am so incredibly blessed to have one of the BEST jobs in the world. I have the privilege of serving alongside the most incredible group of women. I get to pursue and live out God's plan for my life on a daily basis.
Here are a few other things that I'm really grateful for in my life:
-Crossroads Christian Church (my church!)
-My health
-McDonalds Diet Coke
-Bright, Cheery Colors
-Warm Sunshiny Days
-Chicken Bryan from Carrabbas (oh, so yummy)!
-Jesus Calling Devotional by Sarah Young
-Spring, Summer, and Fall
-Fun, Bright, Cheery Stationary (Cards, Post-It Notes, File Folders, etc.)
-BOOKS - and the ability to read, learn, and grow!
-Calendars, Planners, Microsoft Outlook
-Lists! I LOVE to make lists and stay organized!
Obviously, I can't share my entire list. Plus, you wouldn't read it anyway! But, you've seen just a snippet of things that I'm most grateful for in my life.
I often feel like an ordinary girl living an extraordinary life. I am living a life that I love! Don't get me wrong, my life is far from perfect, but I really believe my choice to be grateful in all circumstances allows me to see life with such a brighter outlook.
Create a list or gratitude journal. Start compiling a list of the things that you're most grateful for in your life. Trust me, on those days when you're feeling less than grateful, pull out your list and your perspective is sure to shift.
So, what are you grateful for in your life? Please leave a comment with a few of the things you're most grateful for today!
Friday, April 24, 2009
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Hey Kel...I'm grateful for you!
Have a great day,
Thanks for sharing some of your supplies, calendars and lists...a big AMEN on that from me!!!! Something I would the sound of my 8 year old son's singing voice during praise and worship at church...and as we sing praise songs in the car together. Probably one of the sweetest sounds in my life. I am also grateful for God's provision in the life of my husband's hard work at the job God has given him...thank you, Lord, for Your Blessings!
God, family, friends, small group, warm weather, camping (going this weekend and can't wait), praise songs, laughter, health, and the list goes on and on. So thankful for my life and the opportunity to share it with others!
My dear, dear husband, the sound of laughter or cry of need from my beautiful children, softly falling rain bringing me lovely flowers, colorful sunsets, allergies to make me appreciate my heightened sense of smell and taste once the season passes, chocolate, computers, bubble bath, and red wine...
Grateful doesn't seem strong enough a word. I am so blessed by God that I just shake my head in amazement sometimes.
Can anyone out there imagine how grateful you can be when your 20 year old son is diagnosed with cancer, but is drawn so close to God during his illness that he says if he could change things and not be sick he wouldn't do it because God has brought so many people closer to Him and closer to each other? Can you imagine how grateful I am because God... Read More brought me so much closer to Him when I was walking so far away? And how grateful I am that before He ended Tony's suffering here on this earth, He made sure that when he became absent from the body he would be present with the Lord! I probably have over 100 things to be grateful for...but that is number 1!
I am grateful that gratefulness brings me peace. It helps me to raise my eyes toward the mountains as my help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121)
I am grateful for the violets and lily-of-the-valley that I transplanted from my grandmother's garden. I am so grateful for thunderstorms - God's love songs to me. I am grateful for God's protection over my husband, kids and me. Grateful for peace and rest for my soul.
And I am grateful that God called me to speak and lead women to discover their design and to live life in a meaningful way. I am grateful for fulfillment.
I really think the list could be more than a 100! God, who NEVER gave up on me; my wonderful husband, Bill; my precious daughter, Kelly; my amazing son, Chris; my wonderfully supportive and loving sister, Sherry; my thoughtful nephew, Mark; the fantastic iBloom team: Kelly, Gena, Tara, Lori, Angelina, Betsy, Leigh Ann; my dogs: Hope & Max (who is in the chomper phase of his life); friends; the World's Greatest Small Group; my home that God so graciously provided for us; tulips and daffodils, azalea bushes, 40' blue spruce trees that surround our backyard with birds galore to include my new finch that we've named Taylex; Crossroads Christian Church; Beth Moore for her thought-provoking teachings that keep me grounded in the Word; mentors like Dianne that brings a smile to my face just thinking about her enthusiasm for life.....Life is good even in the midst of storms.
My amazing husband, my beautiful, precious daughter, my dog, my parents, grandparents, sisters, in-laws, extended family, friends-ranging from those I've known my whole life and others I'm just getting to know, Bible Study Fellowship, mentors willing to invest in me, The Piarist School, Transylvania and Coach U for my education, Crossroads Christian Church, singing on the praise team, God showing me through this long season of house-hunting that home is your family and a house is just a bonus, through miscarriage that He is my Comfort and Peace, and that each day is a new day of possibility, we are given the choice to find joy or to grumble...I'm so grateful for that choice.
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