Did you know a synonym for “transition” is progression? When we are in transition, we often feel stuck. If we can think of it as part of our progression to a new stage, it won’t be so scary.
It’s almost my birthday. Oh, this isn’t just any birthday. I am now, well, let’s just say I have many, many years of experience in “midlife.” Did I say many?! Most of my life is behind me. When I walk past a mirror, I wonder who that person is I’m looking at. On the inside, I feel much prettier than the mirror reflects back.
No matter our age, I wonder if we see ourselves with the beauty God sees us with. I’m reminded of Norman Rockwell’s painting of the young girl looking in the mirror wondering if she’ll ever grow up as pretty as the lady in the magazine. I was a fat little girl with a unibrow. Perhaps beauty found me for a while in my late teens for a number of years. And now? No more physical beauty so it’s time for a transition into a different kind of beauty.
As I think about moving into yet another decade, I have decided that when I look in the mirror I am going to CHOOSE to see the beauty of wisdom, joy, making a difference, using the strengths God gave me, and then turn and look for the next adventure around the corner.
Please celebrate with me! Celebrate YOUR life and CHOOSE to see your beauty! I even have a gift for you…some inspiring quotes:
“A person is only beautiful, when their own beauty, is reflecting on to others.” Tara Grady
“Those who look for beauty, find it.” Unknown
“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes.” Sophia Loren
"Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks." Charles Dickens
“Even I don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.” Cindy Crawford
“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this. 2 Timothy 2:17
CLICK HERE to share a quote, experience or encouragement for others. YOU matter!
Betsy is an Associate with iBloom. She helps women navigate new life directions whether discovering their design and purpose, changing careers, growing in a leadership role or moving into midlife and beyond. CLICK HERE to learn more about Betsy.
Oh Betsy, I can be right there with you. I turned 50 this year. It really didn't bother me until I saw it written on a piece of paper. And then I received something in the mail from AARP! Now, for me it isn't the mirror that gets me, it's those photographs. That gal in the picture never looks like me!
But, most days when I look in the mirror, I see the Laura from years ago. I don't know why, but that is who I see. And I thank God for giving me that vision. Either by giving me a good hair day, or a good make up day. Look at those eyes, and WOW, what a smile! All of that to say, when you look at me, I'm really not all that much to look at, but I am choosing to believe that God is allowing me to see me as he does! And wow, that gal is beautiful! You know, if I measure my looks against all of the other gals, my little heart would never be able to take it! But, if I look out and see the beauty that God puts in each woman, and I try to pull that out of her, then God's beauty in me comes out! Isn't that amazing.
I wish I could say that is my attitude everyday; I am a work in progress. But, I love where God is taking me. And, for every piece of physical beauty that fades away, I pray that I am receiving God's wisdom and loving kindness, that I can give to others, and then His beauty shines through!
Thanks for sharing.
The unibrow comment made me spit out my tea! You are a hoot and you are beautiful... I'm so thankful to have you in my life and I am so thankful for your message to women!
Darling Girl, I'm older then you so I will give you some words of wisdom!
This Birthday will come and go and it will be fine....remember the old TV commercial said it best "You're not getting older, you're getting better!" It's just a number! And my final quote about age was best summed up by Dr. Indiana Jones...."It's not the years it's the miles". So dear one, travel well and far and feel the wind in your hair!
May all your Birthday wishes come true.
How poignant was you blog. You stepped into the stream of consciousness of all of us who have stepped over past 50. The great value is that we begin to be alive to the great value of our life.
I remember at 30 thinking I knew alk there was to know about myself. I now understand that I was only a shadow of the woman I would become and am still becoming. How much richer our relationships are and how valuable our time spent in each of them.
These days move by us with ever increasing speed toward the life that is more real than this one. How I long for that place as I paradoxically cling to this one. To measure myself by that coming life and love my way through this one is my challenge today.
Betsy, may each day crown you with wisdom and joy. May you give and receive love in greater abundance than you thought you had capacity .
May you live in the knowledge that you have done well the good works prepared beforehand for you to do by Him who loves you best. You give such joy. May you always feel the Father's pleasure as you live out your unique and delightful purpose.
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