Friday, November 20, 2009

Get Empowered! iBloom Blog Talk Radio Recap

Our Blog Talk Radio show this week was about getting Empowered! We invite you to CLICK HERE to listen to the show.

Here’s a quick recap of some of the main points brought out in the show:

The definition of empower is authority, responsibility, power, permit, enable. Philippians 4:13 tells us that we can do “all things through Christ who strengthens us.”

We encourage you to get empowered today by remembering these tips:

1. Determine what you REALLY want; articulate what is stopping you; then CHOOSE to move forward.

2. Be hopeful about the future. Know that your choices make a difference in your life and those around you.

3. Choose intentionally. You are not a victim to your circumstances – your circumstances are victim to GOD!

4. Speak with empowering words. For example, instead of saying, “I’m SO busy,” say, “Life is full and exciting right now!” Or, instead of saying “I have the worst luck,” say, “I’m so grateful for ____________.”

5. Use “I Choose” statements like “I choose to celebrate each stage of life,” or “I choose to discover how God designed me.”

6. Remember, protect yourself, your time, and your energy by saying NO sometimes. Try these statements:
“I really appreciate your thinking of me, but no thank you.”
“Hmmmm, I need to pray about this. I’ll give you an answer by Friday.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t.” (no need to explain!)
“I can’t but I think I know someone who would really enjoy doing this.”


“A Christian Woman’s Guide to Empowerment” by Leigh Ann Napier, iBloom Associate

Get your FREE copy of Empowered Magazine. Anna Quesada was a guest on our show today. She shared why she started this magazine where women can contribute their writing. You will be stunned by the quality of this magazine that can come right to your email box!

Empower your kids by identifying their personality and helping them live in their strengths. Betsy Ringer has a terrific resource loaded with teaching about The Personalities PLUS a bonus booklet of great tips of fun things to do with kids and teens! Zoo Clues: The Personalities of Children and Teens for Parents and Educators

Make your calendar empowering by using Planner Pads.

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