Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Create Your THEME for 2010 by Betsy Ringer
Instead of making a new year’s resolution, how about setting a THEME for 2010? Choose a theme that reflects your assignment for this particular time of your life. Your THEME can be applied to many areas of your life and will allow some freedom for failure and the excitement of surprise.
Your THEME is not random. It may be balancing out your previous year or it may be something you see God is leading you towards, or you might see a new direction emerging. For example, maybe 2009 was hectic and frazzled, so your THEME for 2010 might be Rest or Quiet. By focusing on Rest, you allow yourself to sit, to say “no” to a request, or go to bed earlier. Your health and spirit will be renewed and your life will be more fulfilling.
Maybe there is a need in your life for friends, better health or de-cluttering. Be positive and use words that will help you take action. For example, instead of having a theme of Making Friends, choose Be a Friend. That implies taking action that will most likely lead to connection with others.
Some THEME ideas to get you thinking - Simplify, Adventuring, Health, Move my Body, Write, Surrender, Laughter, Paint, Savor the Moments, or Discover my Passion.
Take the following steps to identify a THEME for 2010:
Step 1
• Picture your life being richer because of your attention to your theme
• At the end of 2010, what will make you smile as you look back over the year?
• What is your assignment for this particular time of your life?
• Is there a way 2010 needs to be balanced?
• Ask God to give you direction in selecting a theme.
Step 2
• Write out several themes that seem to emerge from within. Give some thought to how they might be carried out in your day to day living. Is it a theme that can be realized in your ordinary routine as well as jump start you to try something new?
Step 3
• Select your theme. Embrace it. Be excited about it. Write it on several cards and place them in strategic places to remind yourself about your 2010 THEME. For example, place THEME cards on your bathroom mirror, over your kitchen sink, on your computer, hanging from the rear view mirror in your car, and wherever else you look frequently.
Step 4
• Give yourself permission to evaluate your theme quarterly. Is it still a good path for you? If not, change it. Or, recast the vision - how will it make your life better having allowed this theme to be carried out in your life?
Yes, I have chosen my THEME. In 2009 it was Creativity. After having my creativity squished over the last couple of years, my soul was screaming for me to pay attention to this important area of my life. So I engaged in more photography, created photo books, developed new workshops, wrote articles and blogs, did some redecorating and tried lots of new recipes.
My THEME for 2010 is Harvest. God has been laying the groundwork with my training, skills and talents. I sense that this year God will provide a Harvest of products, speaking engagements, webinars, classes and books that will help bring a Harvest to women all over the world to live richer, fuller lives. I can’t wait to see how God unfolds this theme!
Be sure to share your THEME in the comment section of this blog. I want to cheer you on! Happy New Year! Click here to comment.
No Fuss Goals and Wishes by Betsy Ringer
What FUN it would be to write down your goals and wishes for 2010, put them away, and get them out at the end of the year only to discover 8 out of ten of the goals on your list had actually happened!! Impossible? Not at all!
When my kids were younger, on New Year’s Day we would all make a list of our goals and wishes for the upcoming year. Each family member put their name on their list. Each of us shared our list with the other family members and we prayed over the lists. Then I collected them and taped them to the Christmas Tree ornament box. That’s right – I taped them to the Christmas decorations and didn’t look at them again until we pulled out the decorations the next Christmas.
It was always so much fun getting out those goals and wishes and seeing how many of them had been accomplished or had happened. Each year I was stunned at how many were realized in the last year! “I am going to redecorate the living room. I will call my friend in Ohio once a month. I will host a Bible study in my home. I will take a two mile walk outside three times a week on the average. I will save $3000 so we can travel to California. I will put on three events at work.” ALL happened without me constantly reviewing and keeping track of my goals!! Each year I did this I was so pleasantly surprised!
Now, there were always a few goals that just didn’t happen – like lose 50 pounds (25 maybe) or declutter my whole house (two rooms maybe) or learn how to make jewelry (I’m really not very crafty). But for the most part my goals and wishes actually happened! And the same was true for the rest of the family members.
I can’t help but think about what Habakkuk says,
Habakkuk 2:1-3 (Contemporary English Version)
The LORD Answers Habakkuk Again
1While standing guard
on the watchtower,
I waited for the LORD's answer,
before explaining the reason
for my complaint. 2Then the LORD told me:
"I will give you my message
in the form of a vision.
Write it clearly enough
to be read at a glance.
3At the time I have decided,
my words will come true.
You can trust what I say
about the future.
It may take a long time,
but keep on waiting--
it will happen!
Try these steps:
1. Pray, asking God to give you guidance and direction for the following year. Ask Him to impress on your heart the goals and wishes to write down.
2. Write down what comes to you. Don’t labor over it. They are probably things you have been thinking about for quite some time anyway.
3. If you want to, invite other family members to do the same.
4. Tape your “tablets” – your lists – to a Christmas decoration box.
5. Enjoy your year. Then next Christmas season, get out your lists and celebrate each one the Lord has helped you with!
Tomorrow, I will share an alternative to making New Year’s resolutions. 2010 is going to be a fabulous year!
Hmmmm, I need to go pray and write down my goals and wishes for 2010. After all, it’s about time to put away those Christmas decorations!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Fun, Meaningful Activities You can Use NOW! by Betsy Ringer
Yes, kids DO appreciate meaningful activities during the holidays! My kids have often told me they value the ideas I’ve had to make our holidays special.
In fact, the other day I told a friend of mine how to make Reindeer sandwiches. Cut the sandwich in half diagonally; put two stick pretzels between the slices of bread along the long side of the triangle. Then use two green M&M’s for the eyes and a red on for the nose. She did that and sent the Reindeer sandwich with her HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR boy to school!!! After school he told her it was such a fun surprise! He said he even kept one half of it and showed it to everyone in the afternoon saying, “Look what my mom did!” Now what mom wouldn’t want that kind of recognition?!
I have put together a collection of fun and meaningful activities for the holidays. It includes:
• Conversation starters: great questions for the dinner table. Just print out the sheet, cut the strips of questions, fold and place in a basket. Each person draws out a question. One person answers then each person at the table answers that question. Then move to the next person.
• Fun and meaningful activities to do with kids AND teens!
• Recipes – easy and yummy.
• A Christmas Eve (or Christmas Day) family service.
Very simply you can DOWNLOAD 11 pages of ideas. It’s so easy and only costs $5! Just CLICK HERE
I have one other recommendation. Andrea Bocceli’s new Christmas CD is fantastic!! I cry just listening to him! He has several duets – one with Reba McEntire, one with Natalie Cole. My favorite is “What Child is This” that he does with Mary J. Blige. I got my copy at Starbuck’s but I have seen it at Target and Wal Mart. You can even just download it from iTunes. It’s called, “Andrea Bocelli My Christmas.” Enoy.
Wishing you all Merry Christmas from the iBloom team.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Strengthened by Hope by Betsy Ringer
Hope is the thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it. We have the courage to reach for it because we know God. He is our Hope. He is our deliverer.
Our Blog Talk Radio show this week strengthened our HOPE and we’d like to share it with YOU.
You can listen to our radio show by Clicking Here.
You will hear an interview with author, Katherine Robinson who in late 2008 faced enough serious challenges to plunge the most starry-eyed optimist into a dark well of despair. Over the course of a month, she turned 50, lost her job and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Discover how Kathy persevered and, with the help of faith, family and friends, found a way to celebrate and live with hope.
Check out Katherine’s book called, Expect the Best
Katherine’s Website
“Got Hope?” Leigh Ann Napier’s article shares about three areas that act as hope builders for your life.
You’ll also learn about the group that iBloom will be investing in for 2010.The Refuge for Women is a twelve-month holistic journey for women who wish to leave the adult entertainment industry. Learn more!
"Savoring Holiday Moments with Your Family" by Betsy Ringer,gives you meaningful and fun ideas to use with friends and family during holidays! Right about NOW most of us are realizing that time is running short. Our creativity is over-run by our fatigue and concern about getting everything done in time, let alone planning some meaningful activities!! Download this great resource featuring 11 pages of activities. It is loaded with conversation starters for the dinner table, fun and meaningful things to do with kids and teens, crafts, recipes and even a family Christmas Eve Service. Buy now for only $5
The iBloom team wishes you a very Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Here’s a Little JOY to Sweeten Your Cup of Warmth by Betsy Ringer
Blog Talk Radio program on JOY! Experience a fabulous interview with Lori Snider our iBloom Associate who has been experiencing an extended season of disappointment and loss of dreams. WOW!! She shares with us great wisdom about allowing the undercurrent of JOY to sustain us as we walk through the valleys. You DEFINITELY want to be blessed by her gems! And then I tickle you funny bone and help you lighten up and experience this season – and every season of life – with laughter. Find out how it improves your health and leaves a trail of joy behind you. Click here to listen.
Find out what your car keys, matchless socks and JOY have in common. Read Leigh Ann Napier’s article entitled “In Search of Joy.”
Save LOTS of time and have meaningful holiday activities for your family and friends!!! For only $5 you can download this GREAT product called “Savoring Holiday Moments with the Family.” Enjoy 11 pages of activities for family and friends. It is loaded with conversation starters for the dinner table, fun and meaningful things to do with kids and teens, crafts, recipes and even a family Christmas Eve Service. Click here to purchase.
And we have one more fabulous, resource. In this free WEBINAR, besides finding out just how important laughter is for your everyday life – like it boosts your immune system, lowers damaging stress hormones and helps you breathe – you will also focus on three vital questions for daily living. These questions help you sort through the clutter of demands and choices: What matters right now? Who will remember? What does God want me to know? Come prepared to laugh and to leave refreshed and ready to share the best of yourself. Click here to watch.