Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Strengthened by Hope by Betsy Ringer

Hope is the thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it. We have the courage to reach for it because we know God. He is our Hope. He is our deliverer.

Our Blog Talk Radio show this week strengthened our HOPE and we’d like to share it with YOU.

You can listen to our radio show by Clicking Here.

You will hear an interview with author, Katherine Robinson who in late 2008 faced enough serious challenges to plunge the most starry-eyed optimist into a dark well of despair. Over the course of a month, she turned 50, lost her job and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Discover how Kathy persevered and, with the help of faith, family and friends, found a way to celebrate and live with hope.

Check out Katherine’s book called, Expect the Best

Katherine’s Website

“Got Hope?”
Leigh Ann Napier’s article shares about three areas that act as hope builders for your life.

You’ll also learn about the group that iBloom will be investing in for 2010.The Refuge for Women is a twelve-month holistic journey for women who wish to leave the adult entertainment industry. Learn more!

"Savoring Holiday Moments with Your Family" by Betsy Ringer,gives you meaningful and fun ideas to use with friends and family during holidays! Right about NOW most of us are realizing that time is running short. Our creativity is over-run by our fatigue and concern about getting everything done in time, let alone planning some meaningful activities!! Download this great resource featuring 11 pages of activities. It is loaded with conversation starters for the dinner table, fun and meaningful things to do with kids and teens, crafts, recipes and even a family Christmas Eve Service. Buy now for only $5

The iBloom team wishes you a very Merry Christmas!

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