Friday, December 31, 2010


Instead of making a new year’s resolution, how about setting a THEME for 2011? Choose a theme that reflects your assignment for this particular time of your life. Your THEME can be applied to many areas of your life and will allow some freedom for failure and the excitement of surprise.

Your THEME is not random. It may be balancing out your previous year or it may be something you see God is leading you towards, or you might see a new direction emerging. For example, maybe 2010 was hectic and frazzled, so your THEME for 2011 might be Rest or Quiet. By focusing on Rest, you allow yourself to sit, to say “no” to a request, or go to bed earlier. Your health and spirit will be renewed and your life will be more fulfilling.

Maybe there is a need in your life for friends, better health or de-cluttering. Be positive and use words that will help you take action. For example, instead of having a theme of Making Friends, choose Be a Friend. That implies taking action that will most likely lead to connection with others.
Some THEME ideas to get you thinking - Simplify, Adventuring, Health, Move my Body, Write, Surrender, Laughter, Paint, Savor the Moments, or Discover my Passion.

Take the following steps to identify a THEME for 2011:
Step 1
• Picture your life being richer because of your attention to your theme
• At the end of 2011, what will make you smile as you look back over the year?
• What is your assignment for this particular time of your life?
• Is there a way 2011 needs to be balanced?
• Ask God to give you direction in selecting a theme.

Step 2
• Write out several themes that seem to emerge from within. Give some thought to how they might be carried out in your day to day living. Is it a theme that can be realized in your ordinary routine as well as jump start you to try something new?

Step 3
• Select your theme. Embrace it. Be excited about it. Write it on several cards and place them in strategic places to remind yourself about your 2011 THEME. For example, place THEME cards on your bathroom mirror, over your kitchen sink, on your computer, hanging from the rear view mirror in your car, and wherever else you look frequently.

Step 4
• Give yourself permission to evaluate your theme quarterly. Is it still a good path for you? If not, change it. Or, recast the vision - how will it make your life better having allowed this theme to be carried out in your life?
Yes, I have chosen my THEME. In 2009 it was Creativity. After having my creativity squished over the last couple of years, my soul was screaming for me to pay attention to this important area of my life. So I engaged in more photography, created photo books, developed new workshops, wrote articles and blogs, did some redecorating and tried lots of new recipes.

Two years ago my theme was Creativity. Last year Harvest. My theme for this year is Change a Life. My focus is others – whether it’s my kids, my coaching clients, a group I speak to, a person in Louisville struggling to get by or someone in another country I may never meet, I want this year to be about changing others’ lives for the better. What’s your theme?

Be sure to share your THEME in the comment section of this blog. I want to cheer you on! Happy New Year! Click to Comment

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