Friday, October 16, 2009

Quit Trying To Be Wonder Woman by Leigh Ann Napier

In my last blog, How To Escape Groundhog Day, I shared the first challenge Do not say YES to anything else without waiting 24 hours to think it over and pray about it. Did you take the challenge? Did you delay a response to someone who wanted you to commit to something new? Did you say "no" to something? If you actually said no, you deserve bonus points… Why is it they we are so afraid to say no? Often when you say "yes" to someone or something, you are in fact saying "no" to those closest to you or to those dreams you've had for so long! You're not saying it out loud, of course, but you are sending the message just the same. Make it a habit to weigh the pros and cons before adding things to your life. Better yet, adopt my grandmother's policy. "Don't bring anything else into your home (in this case, your life), without first taking something else out." She's a wise lady…

OK, on to today's topic:

Quit trying to be Wonder Woman.

"One of my best friends, Heather Wallen Hammond wearing her Wonder Woman attire. Also, definitely one of my personal heros..."

Do you remember Underoos? I was OBSESSED with them as a kid. Specifically Wonder Woman. I would wear them everywhere! Mom says I wouldn't ever take them off. I wanted them over my clothes but would occasionally give in and wear them under the outfit she wanted me to wear. Wearing them I felt powerful, daring, strong, beautiful, and like I could save the day! I was Wonder Woman! Well, I've lost my Underoos long ago (but if anyone knows where I can find some for my daughter, please tell me?), but the desire to feel all of the emotions I felt while wearing them, is still very much a part of me.

I think every woman struggles with Wonder Woman Syndrome (WWS) in some capacity. That's one of the many topics we'll explore in the iDiscover Community…Too many women are walking around feeling exhausted and defeated…we want to be able to do it all! For our family, friends, pets, job, church…the list goes on and on. WWS can leave you worn out, frustrated, angry, and feeling unappreciated. We can't carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Rely on God to give you strength each day. Ask him for wisdom (and continue to ask…) in knowing where he wants you to use the energy, time, and resources he's given you. When I rely on Him, I am confident that he will give me all I need to be somebody's hero…sans Underoos. He will do the same for you!

How to start treating WWS:

  1. Write out your priorities. List them in order. Now, give the majority of your time/energy to those top things. You can't please everyone all of the time. Instead choose who you REFUSE to disappoint. Is that God, your husband, your children, a favorite charity? You will still disappoint everyone at some point or another but by living into your priorities, you can do it less often.)
  2. Know when to ask for help. Repeat after me, "I am NOT Wonder Woman". Write down a list of all that needs to be done this week. Pray over that list. Ask God to show you what the top things are for the week, what you can delegate, and what you can just scratch from the list.

Psalm 22:19 "O Lord, do not stay far away! You are my strength; come quickly to my aid!"

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1 comment:

Tara said...

Repeating after you: "I am NOT Wonder Woman! I am NOT Wonder Woman!" Thank God! This allows Him to be my wonderful God!