Friday, December 31, 2010


Instead of making a new year’s resolution, how about setting a THEME for 2011? Choose a theme that reflects your assignment for this particular time of your life. Your THEME can be applied to many areas of your life and will allow some freedom for failure and the excitement of surprise.

Your THEME is not random. It may be balancing out your previous year or it may be something you see God is leading you towards, or you might see a new direction emerging. For example, maybe 2010 was hectic and frazzled, so your THEME for 2011 might be Rest or Quiet. By focusing on Rest, you allow yourself to sit, to say “no” to a request, or go to bed earlier. Your health and spirit will be renewed and your life will be more fulfilling.

Maybe there is a need in your life for friends, better health or de-cluttering. Be positive and use words that will help you take action. For example, instead of having a theme of Making Friends, choose Be a Friend. That implies taking action that will most likely lead to connection with others.
Some THEME ideas to get you thinking - Simplify, Adventuring, Health, Move my Body, Write, Surrender, Laughter, Paint, Savor the Moments, or Discover my Passion.

Take the following steps to identify a THEME for 2011:
Step 1
• Picture your life being richer because of your attention to your theme
• At the end of 2011, what will make you smile as you look back over the year?
• What is your assignment for this particular time of your life?
• Is there a way 2011 needs to be balanced?
• Ask God to give you direction in selecting a theme.

Step 2
• Write out several themes that seem to emerge from within. Give some thought to how they might be carried out in your day to day living. Is it a theme that can be realized in your ordinary routine as well as jump start you to try something new?

Step 3
• Select your theme. Embrace it. Be excited about it. Write it on several cards and place them in strategic places to remind yourself about your 2011 THEME. For example, place THEME cards on your bathroom mirror, over your kitchen sink, on your computer, hanging from the rear view mirror in your car, and wherever else you look frequently.

Step 4
• Give yourself permission to evaluate your theme quarterly. Is it still a good path for you? If not, change it. Or, recast the vision - how will it make your life better having allowed this theme to be carried out in your life?
Yes, I have chosen my THEME. In 2009 it was Creativity. After having my creativity squished over the last couple of years, my soul was screaming for me to pay attention to this important area of my life. So I engaged in more photography, created photo books, developed new workshops, wrote articles and blogs, did some redecorating and tried lots of new recipes.

Two years ago my theme was Creativity. Last year Harvest. My theme for this year is Change a Life. My focus is others – whether it’s my kids, my coaching clients, a group I speak to, a person in Louisville struggling to get by or someone in another country I may never meet, I want this year to be about changing others’ lives for the better. What’s your theme?

Be sure to share your THEME in the comment section of this blog. I want to cheer you on! Happy New Year! Click to Comment

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Season of Hope by Lori Burrell

We had our first big snow in my city, so you know what that means- a weekend of Hallmark movies! I conducted my own “marathon”; actually watched one movie twice! It was new this season and so sweet

As I snuggled in my comfy chair with my favorite throw, I watched characters end up in quaint little towns with names like “Mistletoe” and find the true meaning of Christmas. Now, don’t think I am making fun- I usually become part of their families by the end of the 2-hour movie!

After watching several movies, I began to see a theme emerging- the love and hope of Christmas. I thought back over my year and how at times hope was the only thing I had! I recently went through a divorce of a long-term marriage and I was pretty much dying in a pile for months! But, even in my darkest hours, God’s peace and love prevailed. I am grateful that God gave me the desire and the ability to believe in Him-He is hope. I remember reading early in the process that we either live in faith or fear- I chose faith!

Now, don’t think having hope made everything easy- there were nights I put my pjs on at 6 p.m. so that day could end and a new one could begin! But when you have hope, there are possibilities! You realize that you can and must put one foot in front of the other. You begin looking up and out and realize God still has a purpose and plans for you.

And, you allow others to serve and take care of you- the hands and feet of Christ. Love comes in many forms- mine was in family members who called and emailed daily to check on me! It came in friends who literally pulled me out of the house to go to a movie or dinner! It was from co-workers who picked up the slack when I could barely function! It came in the many, many prayers that were petitioned on my behalf when I was too grief stricken to pray!

So, this season whether you are in the midst of a devastating trial or in the sweet spot of life, give and receive the greatest gift of all… the gift of God’s love and hope. And show the world the “reason for the season”!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A 14-year Dream...

Have you ever had a BIG dream?  Maybe it was a dream that was central to your life purpose.  That without this dream coming to fruition, you felt like part of you was missing.  You knew without a doubt you were born to do this!  

But, now wasn't the time.  

So you prayed, prepared, and waited for God's perfect timing.  You've done your part, but now you must trust that God's timing is PERFECT- even when it makes absolutely no sense in the moment.

Well, that's my story...

God planted a dream in my heart to be a wife.  Over the years that dream grew and grew.  I knew that I wanted a marriage that was set apart- different than just the average relationship.  A marriage that would be thriving and an example to others for a lifetime.  

So, I knew that a marriage like that would be different.  It would take lots of work.  It would take longer.  This would be a different man!

But I didn't quite anticipate 14 years of praying, preparing, and waiting!

The waiting didn't make sense to me at the time.  There were MANY times that I cried out to God begging for Him to move.  Why would he plant such a powerful dream in my heart and not bring it to fruition?  At the time, it didn't make sense to my human mind.  Had I heard God wrong?  Had I just dreamed this dream for myself?

I had prayed and prepared.  I even had a trunk where I've stored 14 years worth of prayer journals, marriage books, cards, and letters for my husband-to-be!   And, then I waited and waited.

But, 866 days ago something changed.  I crossed paths with a man that would change my life forever.  We were connected on eharmony just days before and were meeting in person for the first time.  We had arranged to have appetizers & drinks at a local restaurant.  I was SO nervous walking toward the restaurant.  But, once he hugged me it was like time stood still for a moment.  His hug was perfect.  I knew there was something very different about this man.  We soon discovered that we actually went to the same exact church- even the same service time! 

I got in my car that night just amazed!  It really seemed a little too good to be true.  I didn't want to get my hopes up, so I decided to pray and wait.  I knew that if he were the "one," then God would work it out!  Well, I didn't have to wait very long because this very special man emailed me the next day asking for a second date.  That really was just the beginning of the fairy tale romance between Jon and I.

I now see so clearly that God's timing is absolutely perfect!  Jon couldn't have showed up in my life one moment sooner.  He wouldn't have been ready.  I wouldn't have been ready.  We wouldn't have been ready for one another.  I now understand that God always shows up in His perfect time- even when it makes absolutely no sense to us in the moment.  We just have to trust HIM!

And in just 4 days, my dream of being a wife will become reality!  I'll get to marry the man I prayed for 12 years before I even knew his name.  I can't really put into words what joy, excitement, and anticipation I feel.  I'm ready to begin my new role as a wife to Jon!

The dream is coming true, but the real work of building a thriving marriage that will last a lifetime continues on...

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Little Joys of the Season by Tara McClenahan, The Christian Mommy Mentor

Hello there!

How are your holiday preparations coming along? I pray you aren't frazzled and overwhelmed. I've had to force myself to pay attention to the little joys of the season and invite you to do the same.

Here are just a few from our home to yours:
  • The joy of discovery and flood of memories as we unpacked the ornaments from their boxes to trim the tree
  • The awe on Little Man's face as he lay beneath the Christmas tree marveling at the lights and ornaments from that perspective
  • The hilarious "uh-oh" when Little Man found a present hidden in a closet
  • The feeling of shared delight as we sipped our first hot chocolate of the season and the giggles as we saw each others whipped cream mustaches
  • The excitement of leafing through a toy catalog yet tempering that with lessons of "need vs. want"
  • The understanding that dawned on my son's face when I shared that we would be helping out some families that don't have food, blankets and beds. He said sadly, "Mommy, I don't know how to help them." I replied, "Jesus will show us how and we will help them together!" He joyfully wrapped his arms around me and said, "Thank you, Mommy! We''ll help them togedder!"

Take five minutes by the Christmas tree and make your own list of little joys from the Christmas season thus far. Slow down, pay attention and soak them in!

Blessings to you and your family!

Tara & Little Man

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Take a Peak Behind the Scenes.... by Betsy Ringer

On December 6, 1986, we drove the truck with all our possessions in it into Louisville, KY. We moved from sunny California to Kentucky. Hmmm. I thought we might stay here five years but that would be about it. Twenty-four years later we are still here. After settling into our rental house, we asked where to get a Christmas tree. Our Realtor directed us to Huber’s Orchard in southern Indiana. This year was the 24th year we went to Huber’s to cut down our Christmas tree.

So the Saturday after Thanksgiving, our three now-grown kids plus our newest family member, Ally (Eric’s wife) piled in the car for our Christmas tree outing. As we crossed the great Ohio river into Indiana, with Dave Barnes’ singing Christmas tunes in the background, I watched a barge emerge from the locks. From the bridge, I looked down on the quiet river town; quite a contrast to the big shiny buildings we just left behind in Louisville. We soon left the highway taking twisting back roads, passing a small white church, creeks, pastures and an occasional farm house nestled into the hillside.

Excitement rose as we turned into the familiar, comfortable entrance with the twin ponds and farm buildings. We grabbed a saw and hopped on the trailer pulled by a tractor that would take us to the site where we would select the white pine that would bring us cheer throughout the holidays. We pondered the 20 foot trees and finally decided they simply would not fit. We chose a nice fat round tree. Brendan wielded the saw this year – many times it’s Eric – and we headed back to where the tractor would pick us up.

I remember the first year we went to the farm. Brendan was barely three. Rich cut the tree and carried it on his back. Brendan and I laughed and laughed because it looked like the tree was walking! All we could see was the tree and Rich’s legs. He zig-zagged with the tree and we laughed harder!

We have chosen a tree in snow, 60 degrees and rain, sunshine, and days like today with just enough chill in the air to feel Christmasy.

When we got back to the farm buildings and loaded the tree on top of the car, we went inside the farm store. The warmth felt good and the smell of the fresh bread in the bakery was enticing. It’s become a family tradition to take a family picture at Huber’s. Here is one from several years ago. You can see this year’s picture below.

Please use the comment section to share something fun you and your family have done this year. If you have a memory you’d like to share, we’d love to hear that too!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sand Through the Hourglass by Tara McClenahan, iBloom Christian Mommy Mentor

If you are a mom, one or more of these will probably sound eerily familiar (if you are honest with yourself anyway- don't worry, we won't tell):
  • Piles of laundry at your feet at 9 PM and your only thought is "I wish I could lay down on them and nap"
  • Bathtime will result in more of a mess to clean up than the current grimyness of your kids' bodies so you decide to skip it tonight
  • Tag-teaming with your hubby between ball practice and the dance recital makes you want to disguise yourself as a gypsy and head for the hills
  • You lay your head on your pillow at night and worry if you have truly touched your child's heart that day
We've all been there.  We've all been exhausted, overwhelmed and ready to turn in our mom card.  And at one point or another, we all worry that we are letting the chaos of everyday life distract us from truly reaching out to our children and touching their hearts.  We look up and see that the time that we will have our children with us is running out like sand in the hourglass and we throw that worry on top of the big ol' pile we accumulate as moms.  Then we feel guilty.

It's true - time really is ticking away.  But we don't have to just watch it pass.  We can actually do simple things to make sure that we touch, impact and shape our children's hearts in the ways of God and His Word.  It is difficult to think that we can do that in the middle of our crazy-busy lives, isn't it?  But it can be done when we choose to not allow the daily chaos to distract us from this vital role we have as parents.

So often we love to hear how other moms tackle common parenting struggles so I have put together a FANTASTIC Mommy Panel - a group of Christian moms who have already "been there, done that" and some that are still "there".  These moms are just like you and me - normal, human, and prone to mistakes.  I have purposely not allowed anyone who thinks they are Supermom to be on this panel!  This panel simply has a heart to share with you and other moms the struggles they faced and how they got past all the chaos of everyday life to purposely shape their childrens' hearts toward God.  Some of the topics that will be discussed include:
  • The #1 distraction of a mom
  • How to avoid the chaos trap
  • The key habit to develop to stay focused on what is really important
Join me for my FREE phone chat with the Mommy Panel where it is my prayer that you will walk away encouraged as a mom and with some practical and easy ideas to help you navigate the chaos of everyday life to truly shape your child's heart toward God!

The Overwhelmed Mom:  Christian Parenting in the Chaos of Everyday Life
Monday, September 20th, 2010
8:30 PM EDT (7:30 PM CDT, 6:30 PM MDT, 5:30 PM PDT)

Don't let guilt paralyze you from doing the most important things!  Join us to find out how to bust through the chaos and start having the impact on your children that you so desire to have.  Your time of influence is so short!

Even if you can’t make the LIVE call, be sure to register because the audio download will be emailed to registered attendees.

Go to to find out more and to get registered.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

40% of Your Happiness is Up to You by Betsy Ringer

Researchers have found that:
• 50% of our happiness quotient is a result of our genetic makeup
• The other half of our happiness involves what happens after we are born.
• 10 % of that “environmental” happiness is the result of circumstances.
• That means 40% of our happiness comes from our own intentional activities – what we CHOOSE to be, do or have.

Let that sink in. Our feelings of overwhelm, hurriedness, perfectionism, insecurity, and indulgent living lead us to believe we are victim to our circumstances: my kids need scholarships so I must have them in fifty activities; OR if I can just get through this week/month things will slow down.

Okay, my house gets messy. Well my LIFE gets messy too. I clean up my house and I can clean up my life. Now this is HUGE: distractions cause messiness in my life. These distractions are disguised as:
• Physical unhealthiness
• Poor systems of doing things
• Dysfunctional surroundings
• Mental overload
• Time management issues
• Frail relationships

When our surroundings, work, and life are chaotic, so is our day-to-day living. We don’t want to live less than spectacular; we want our lives to BE spectacular. That doesn’t mean perfect. It means you have some tools and resources that help you know where you’re going, untangle some of your messes, and make a plan to live in a way that matters most to you. When you understand who you are, where you are headed, and how to manage strategic areas of your life, you will find happiness and joy in even the most mundane parts of your life. The BIG picture is crucial for the everyday picture to come into focus and clarity.

Choose your happiness today! “…there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.” - Ecclesiastes 3:12

Join me for my upcoming FREE teleclass where you will get the BOOST you need to overcome the frustration of days, months and years slipping away. You will gain tools to start de-cluttering and recalibrating your life so you can experience passion, balance, purpose and fulfillment. I’ll share five secrets I’ve learned about turning good intentions into real results so you can shift from surviving to THRIVING!

Make the Shift from Surviving to THRIVING
Five Secrets that will help you live life with balance and purpose
Thursday, August 26
8 PM EST (7:00 PM CST, 6:00 PM MST, 5:00 PM PST)

During the teleclass on August 26, I'll share vital “secrets” that will help you leave your exhaustion and overwhelm behind! You will look at twelve important life areas then take first steps to bring vibrancy to these areas. Get the BOOST you need to overcome the frustration of days, months and years slipping away. Start de-cluttering and recalibrating your life so you can experience balance, purpose and fulfillment.

With the right tools, a plan and people we value, we can THRIVE!!

Even if you can’t make the LIVE call, be sure to register because the audio download and handout will be emailed to registered attendees.

CLICK HERE to find out more and register.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shift from Surviving to Thriving

FREE Teleclass!

Shift from Surviving to Thriving! Five secrets to help you live life with balance, purpose, passion, and fulfillment
  • Are you exhausted or overwhelmed?
  • Do the pieces of your life need some de-cluttering, sorting through, and recalibrating so you can experience joy through all circumstances?
  • Do you feel like the days, months, years are slipping away and you WANT to make your life count – REALLY COUNT – for something?

During her teleclass on August 26, iBloom Associate Betsy Ringer will share vital “secrets" to help you shift from rushing and cramming way to much into a day to actually THRIVING! You will look at twelve important life areas then take first steps to bring vibrancy to these areas. Gain insight that you can apply to your life immediately. Get the BOOST you need to overcome the frustration of days, months and years slipping away. Start de-cluttering and recalibrating your life so you can experience balance, purpose and fulfillment.

Date: Thursday, August 26th
Time: 8 PM EST (7 PM CST, 6 PM MST, 5 PM PST)

Even if you can’t attend LIVE, go ahead and register because the audio download will be available after the call! Plus, it’s completely FREE!!

Are you ready to ready to "Shift from Surviving to Thriving?" If so, enter your name and email below to get officially registered.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

5 Things Happy People Do Every Day: Part 4 by Betsy Ringer

This blog series is focusing on five things happy people do every day. You’ll be glad to know you can CHOOSE to do these things!! If you missed the first three segments, visit our iBloom blog to catch up:
1. Find something to be grateful about.
2. Find your funny bone.
3. Let love ooze out of you.
4. Allow yourself to be playful; i.e. don’t take yourself so seriously.
5. Find something meaningful to do.

Allow yourself to be playful; i.e. don’t take yourself so seriously.

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” Plato

Remember when you were young and in love? You were probably very playful! If you have young kids or grandkids you are probably playful with them. Does your playfulness show other times? Are you still playful with your spouse or do you just talk about things that need to be done? When was the last time you sang gleefully while doing housework or stopped by a lemonade stand?

My husband has a wonderful sense of humor. The things he says tickles my funny bone. They are actually kind of corny and I guess I could choose to just groan and go on. But instead I choose to be playful and allow myself to laugh until I get tears in my eyes. This has made a great impact on our kids over the years. Our boys, now young men, have often commented, “I hope my wife laughs at my jokes like that.”

One time a friend and I went to our church women’s retreat. Our husbands got to have some quality time with the kids. On the way home we stopped at a mall in another city. We were admiring all the prom dresses. Before we knew it, we scooped up a bunch of them and went into the bridal dressing room with a platform and tried on prom dresses. Yes, I was in my forties and she was in her thirties!! We laughed and had a great time. Then we went to the hat department and tried on hats and giggled again. Our next stop was the jewelry store. A clerk asked how he could help us. With a twinkle in my eye I said, “I’d like to try on the biggest diamond ring you have.” He knew we had escaped our normal routine and were looking for a thrill so he had a great time showing us lovely rings that I can only afford in my dreams!!

Life zooms by so quickly. Happy people renew their spirits by engaging in play. They cast aside, for a time, their to-do list and drink in the freedom that comes with dancing in the rain, swooping down a slide or picking wildflowers.

Oops! Gotta run. A goofy friend is outside! It’s a warm summer day and she’s here with the top down on her convertible. Going for a ride!!!

“Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.” Robert Fulghum

“Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn’t taste good.”
Lucia Capacchione

“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

We invite you to sign up for our FREE iChoose2 journey. iChoose2 Love My Life is one avenue we use to equip you with the essential tools needed to really live a life of passion, balance, purpose, and fulfillment.

Here’s how it works:

1. Go to iChoose2 Love My Life and sign up (fill in your name & email in the box to the right of the page)
2. For the next 40 days, you’ll receive an email from iBloom with your daily iChoose2 challenge.
3. WARNING: At the end of this 40-day journey, if you’ve really participated in each challenge, then your life will be different! You’ll be on your way to really living a life that you love!

Monday, June 14, 2010

You're Invited to a PARTY!

Twitter will be the place to be on Monday, June 28th, especially if you want to choose2 have FUN and meet lots of fantastic women!
You’re Invited to an iBloom Party!
We invite you to join us for a fabulous iBloom Twitter Party.  The fun starts at 9:00 P.M. EST on Monday, June 28th. We will be using the hashtag #ichoose2.
Your hosts include:
  • @KellyThorne
  • @TaraMcClenahan
  • @LeighAnnNapier
  • @BetsyRinger
You Could Win GREAT prizes!
iBloom has partnered with several GREAT organizations to bring you the BEST twitter party prizes!  We have 10 prizes that you won’t want to miss.  Stay tune to @ibloom as we tweet clues about these fantastic prizes.
Don’t forget, it all happens on Monday, June 28th from 9PM-10PM EST. The hashtag for the party is #ichoose2.

Are you new to Twitter Parties?  Click here to get a FABULOUS resource "How to be a Cool & Hip Twitter Partier" by iBloom Associate, Tara McClenahan.  She'll teach you what a Twitter party is and walk you through a step-by-step process for participating!
Will you be there?
Please RSVP with your twitter handles. We hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

5 Things Happy People Do Every Day: Part 3

This blog series is focusing on five things happy people do every day. You’ll be glad to know you can CHOOSE to do these things!! If you missed the first two segments, visit our iBloom blog to catch up. To review, here are the five things happy people do every day that we are focusing on:

1. Find something to be grateful about.
2. Find your funny bone.
3. Let love ooze out of you.
4. Allow yourself to be playful; i.e. don’t take yourself so seriously.
5. Find something meaningful to do.

Number 3: Let Love Ooze Out of You

Yeah, yeah. We all know we are supposed to love. We all know that even when someone gets us all riled up or when we strongly disagree with them or when they just plain irritate us we still love them, right? Really, way down deep inside we love them. But what good is all that way down deep inside kind of love? When I keep it stuffed inside and what is showing on the outside is disgust, offense, irritation, and disappointment, then the message I am conveying to the other person is, “You aren’t good enough. There’s something wrong with YOU. You’re a slimeball.”

If my love isn’t oozing out so people can see it, then I’m no different than the Pharisees Jesus said “Woe!” to. (Matthew 23, Luke 11)

Please don’t gag when what I’m about to say sounds syrupy sweet to you: HAPPY PEOPLE LET LOVE OOZE OUT OF THEM.

It’s very difficult to let our love show. We’ve gotten in the habit of critiquing others, engaging in “innocent” gossip, or fearing WE will be rejected or ridiculed.

So what’s the key? How can I let my love ooze out?
1. Happy people choose to know they are secure in God. WOW!! God sent His precious son so that we might have LIFE. He tells us over and over in His word how much He loves us… no matter what!
2. Also happy people choose to love others because GOD loves them. Just as God loves us when we make mistakes or behave in hurting ways, He chooses to love the people WE think behave badly.

Choose to know you are secure in God. Choose to love others because GOD loves them, not because they behave the way we want them to behave.

Okay so I just typed out 10 ways you can show love and I deleted them. TMI. Just focus on interacting with people in a warm loving way, even if you don’t “feel” warm and loving. Smile and tell people how they are valuable. You will feel good and they will feel even better. Let your love ooze out!

Jeremiah 31:3 (New International Version)
"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

We invite you to sign up for our FREE iChoose2 journey. iChoose2 Love My Life is one avenue we use to equip you with the essential tools needed to really live a life of passion, balance, purpose, and fulfillment.

Here’s how it works:

1. Go to iChoose2 Love My Life and sign up (fill in your name & email in the box to the right of the page)
2. For the next 40 days, you’ll receive an email from iBloom with your daily iChoose2 challenge.
3. WARNING: At the end of this 40-day journey, if you’ve really participated in each challenge, then your life will be different! You’ll be on your way to really living a life that you love!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

5 Things Happy People Do Every Day: Part 2 by Betsy Ringer

This blog series is focusing on five things happy people do every day. You’ll be glad to know you can CHOOSE to do these things!! If you missed the first segment, visit the iBloom blog to catch up.

The second thing Happy People do Every Day is: Find your funny bone.

Everywhere I turn I hear admonishing words. “Be responsible. Don’t eat that. Watch what you spend. Get rid of clutter. Exercise more. Write your congressman. Lose weight. Dress stylishly. Scrub your floors, clean your toilets. Give money to _____. Lock your doors. Read a book. Cook healthy meals. Work harder. Raise perfect kids.”

Okay, you get the idea. You hear these words too!! And then there’s the news. Day in day out, many hours a day, the news tells us about all the horrible things people do and terrifying events going on throughout the world. It makes me walk around feeling like Thoreau’s quote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

Now imagine with me the sound of Batman’s bat-mobile screeching to a halt and turning 180 degrees. I just can’t keep going in the direction of constant admonition. I know, I know. Everyone is well meaning with their words and I DO need to be responsible. I get it. But I don’t need to be perfect. It’s really okay. And the news is business. They make their money by making us think we can’t live without knowing what they have to tell us. Even the weather man, bless his heart, makes me nervous about the storm a week away and then when the time comes it fizzles out and he says we lucked out this time.

Okay, so I still watch the weather. It’s intriguing and I DO love thunderstorms and thrill at the sight of all that red on the radar. But I have stopped watching the news. Sure, maybe just enough to keep updated on the important things, but in general, my spirit just can’t handle all the doom and gloom.

So, have you seen “Funniest Home Videos” lately? Try watching it for a good belly laugh. Or look at real life in a different way. Watch kids do the funny things they do. Go to lunch with a friend who makes you laugh. Share stories about people bumping into things or falling down (uh, is it just ME who laughs at that?) Look for things to laugh about. When you have a day that you spill things, drop things, lose things, bump into things - start laughing about it! FIND your funny bone. Funny things are all around us, but we have to let go of trying to live up to all those admonishing words and redirect our thoughts to the silliness and joy all around us.

Proverbs 15:13 (The Message)
A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face;
a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day

Proverbs 17:22 (The Message)
A cheerful disposition is good for your health;
gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.

We invite you to sign up for our FREE iChoose2 journey. iChoose2 Love My Life is one avenue we use to equip you with the essential tools needed to really live a life of passion, balance, purpose, and fulfillment.

Here’s how it works:

1. Go to iChoose2 Love My Life and sign up (fill in your name & email in the box to the right of the page)
2. For the next 40 days, you’ll receive an email from iBloom with your daily iChoose2 challenge.
3. WARNING: At the end of this 40-day journey, if you’ve really participated in each challenge, then your life will be different! You’ll be on your way to really living a life that you love!

Friday, May 21, 2010

5 Things Happy People Do Every Day By Betsy Ringer

We all want to be happy. We want to live happy lives, breathe happy air, and interact with other happy people! We want to love our lives. So what are some things happy people do every day? This blog series explores five things happy people do every day. And you’ll be glad to know you can CHOOSE to do these things!! Join us as we explore these five behaviors:

1. Find something to be grateful about.
2. Find your funny bone.
3. Let love ooze out of you.
4. Allow yourself to be playful; i.e. don’t take yourself so seriously.
5. Find something meaningful to do.

If you miss one, visit our iBloom blog to catch up.

Find something to be grateful about.

My daughter was home from college on her spring break. She is such good company. Yes, she leaves her messes everywhere: laundry on the kitchen floor, purse and papers on the table, powdered sugar and drippings from the cake she baked, and shoes and clothing in the family room. But her messes indicate life and activity in our otherwise quiet house. I loved doing things with her throughout the week – a lunch out one day; a movie another; a shopping afternoon; laughter and heart to heart talks.

We had been together one afternoon then we departed ways as she went to a movie with a friend. Okay, so this sounds wimpy but an incredible feeling of loneliness came over me. As I drove home, a dark feeling just reached out and grabbed me. I tried to analyze it… she was going back to school in a couple days; maybe I was feeling my mortality inching by; or was it the mounds of responsibility that I had waiting for me at home. None of it really seemed big enough to warrant this immensely dark feeling.

I’m sure you have experienced that dark feeling; the one that seems to strangle your joy and cloud your thinking. Perhaps it’s accompanied by sobs or anger or despair. A part of you wants to give into it and just spiral on down. Another part wants to fight it, but you just don’t think you have the strength.

Thankfully, I CHOSE to think about what I had to be grateful for. I started praising God. I thanked Jesus for His life. I acknowledged the Holy Spirit at work in me. I thanked the Lord for my marriage, children, car to drive, air to breathe, fingers on my hands, daffodils ready to bloom… anything I could think of that was good and life-giving.

As I CHOSE to be grateful, the dark feeling vanished and I was aware of the presence of the Lord. The loneliness and burdens were replaced with joy and strength. When I arrived at home, I put on my “Life is Good” shirt, looked in the mirror and smiled with delight.

Happy people choose to be grateful – every day. YOU can do it!!
Philippians 4:8 (New Living Translation)
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

We invite you to sign up for our FREE iChoose2 journey. iChoose2 Love My Life is one avenue we use to equip you with the essential tools needed to really live a life of passion, balance, purpose, and fulfillment.

Here’s how it works:

1. Go to iChoose2 Challenge and sign
up (fill in your name & email in the box to the right of the page)
2. For the next 40 days, you’ll receive an email from iBloom with your daily
iChoose2 challenge.
3. WARNING: At the end of this 40-day journey, if you’ve really participated in
each challenge, then your life will be different! You’ll be on your way to
really living a life that you love!

Monday, May 17, 2010

FREE giveaway from iBloom...

Are you participating in the iChoose2 Love My Life journey?  There are hundreds of women currently going through this Free life-changing experience.  Don’t miss out.  Go to to get started today!

iBloom Founder & President, Kelly Thorne will be sharing the iChoose2 Love My Life talk at the Women of Passionate Purpose Online Conference!  Her session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 25th at 5:30PM EST.  However, the entire online conference is from Tuesday, May 25th- Thursday, May 27th.  There are 13 speaker and this month’s theme is Renewal of Purpose!  And, the tickets are only $15 for ALL 13 sessions!  You don’t want to miss this event.  Plus, it’s completely online, so you can participate in the comfort of your own home in your PJ’s!  And, if for some reason, you’re not able to participate in the live sessions, then your free includes access to the downloadable mp3’s.  So, you can download each of the talks and listen as you workout at the gym!  Click here for more information and to get your tickets today!

But, guess what?!  We have 5 FREE tickets to giveaway!!  The contest ends at 9am on Thursday, May 20th!

To enter the drawing for this amazing gift, please do the following:

1) Click here to leave a comment about your biggest ah-ha from the iChoose2 journey thus far.  If you haven’t signed-up yet, go to to get started now!

2) Go to to become a fan of iBloom.

3) Follow iBloom on Twitter-

4) If you Tweet, Tweet this: I just entered a giveaway from @iBloom to receive a FREE ticket to an online women’s conference! #iChoose2

5) Facebook this: I just entered a giveaway from to receive a FREE ticket to Kelly’s iChoose2 Love My Life Presentation at the Women of Passionate Purpose Online Conference. Contest ends at 9am on 05/20/10.

Best of luck!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

40% of Your Happiness is Up to You by Betsy Ringer

Researchers have found that:
• 50% of our happiness quotient is a result of our genetic makeup
• 10 % of our happiness is the result of circumstances
• And 40% of our happiness comes from our own intentional activities – what we CHOOSE to be, do or have.

Let that sink in. Our feelings of overwhelm, hurriedness, perfectionism, insecurity, and indulgent living lead us to believe we are victim to our circumstances: my kids need scholarships so I must have them in fifty activities; or if I can just get through this week/month things will slow down.

Okay, my house gets messy. Well my LIFE gets messy too. I clean up my house and I can clean up my life. Distractions cause messiness in my life. These distractions are disguised as:
• Physical unhealthiness
• Poor systems of doing things
• Dysfunctional surroundings
• Mental overload
• Time management issues
• Frail relationships

When our surroundings, work, and life are chaotic, so is our day-to-day living. We don’t want to live less than spectacular; we want our lives to BE spectacular. That doesn’t mean perfect. It means you have some tools and resources that help you know where you’re going, untangle some of your messes, and make a plan to live in a way that matters most to you. When you understand who you are, where you are headed, and how to manage strategic areas of your life, you will find happiness and joy in even the most mundane parts of your life. The BIG picture is crucial for the everyday picture to come into focus and clarity.

Choose your happiness today! “…there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.” - Ecclesiastes 3:12

You might be surprised, but small changes – with the right tools and resources – can make a big difference! I invite you to be a part of one of my upcoming iThrive groups. iThrive guides you step by step to:
• Clear the clutter in 12 vital life areas
• Free you from just getting by to experiencing life with confidence and fullness.
• Manage your distractions; experience mental clarity; cultivate sparkling relationships; develop strategic action plans
• BE spectacular.

iThrive coaches you to take action on and manage 12 areas of your life that have been filled with distractions, clutter and uncertainty so you can live with greater meaning, purpose and direction. Remember you choose 40% of your happiness through how you decide to live.

I love hearing stories like this from iBloom clients: "You know I'm loving iThrive - love the blog, the podcasts, all of it! You ladies have a Christ-centered approach without a bunch of psycho-babble, and unlike many other programs (and books) I've looked into, you have really reached where I am... right, yet helped me move forward towards the future. Thank you."

I have a new iThrive group starting April 27. Receive materials monthly that break down the important life areas for success into manageable, bite-sized pieces. Then meet once a month with a fabulous group by phone for coaching and encouragement to make lasting change. Gain tools and resources to manage your one wonderful so you can focus on what really matters.

I really want to see you in my group. I’d love to see you finally make the breakthrough you’ve always dreamed of!

CLICK HERE to find out more and register.

Please leave a COMMENT if you would like to be part of my group but need another time slot. I’ll be starting another group soon.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Live Big! Book Excerpt

Here's an excerpt from my friend Dr. Katie Brazelton's newest release...
LIVE BIG! 10 Life Coaching Tips for Living Large, Passionate Dreams by Katie Brazelton, PhD, MDiv

Imagine that you and I are being pampered in first class, relaxing comfortably on an
afternoon flight to your favorite world-class resort. As we gaze out the airplane window, it seems as though we're floating through an endless sea of marshmallow clouds, soaring together through the heavens. Up here, dreams somehow seem crystal clear. I think it's because we can pretend we've risen above the rough, mountainous terrain of life and can look down on our hills and valleys, seeing events from a fresh perspective.

From this bird's eye view, glance down at what is below: your daily routine, closest
relationships, untapped potential, and countless opportunities. Let this vantage point help you set your sights on a passionate mega dream and an inspiring hope for the future! I would not dare to author a book on such an important topic as Living Big without practicing what I preach. So, as I write this, I am on a flight to Hawaii (I wish it were first class) for an extended stay to consider living there indefinitely. I was raised in Hawaii and the Marshall Islands in a navy family, so the tropical breeze has always been alluring to me. Might this be where I will plant another Life Purpose Coaching Center...or find the time to launch my long-dreamed-of radio show...or finish this book? I don't know the answers to those questions, but I do know that I can't fail, because this is simply a experiment, with memories waiting to be made. I'm not going to rush the process or force a decision, only enjoy the journey to yea or nay. There is no right or wrong way to dream. Well, actually, I do believe there's one wrong way, and that is to let the dream stagnate without taking any action! I am embarking on this time of exploration because I am in a new season of my life, formally ending two decades of single parenting. My son recently accepted an out of state job promotion, taking his sweet wife and my two young grandsons with him. Shortly thereafter, my daughter announced her engagement, which means she, too, will be moving away from our home area. In the blink of an eye, without my permission, I have been thrust into a new chapter of my life. On one hand, I am sad and fearful. On the other hand, now I have no more excuses for not doing whatever I want, which is another way of saying "whatever I feel God is calling me to do next." I am operating in a spirit of super-sized living right now, and not just because I may soon be draped in large muumuus, walking barefoot to the local market to buy macadamia-nut chocolates, and blatantly enticing my family with extended holiday vacations in paradise. Dreaming in high definition and surround sound and then taking appropriate steps to live those dreams is what this book is all about. You may not have a burning desire to move to a distant land, but what do you want out of life? Are you a student anxiously finishing college? A young mom who's busy raising twins? An overseas missionary on a brand-new assignment? A career woman vying for an enviable position? A widow with only a few pressing obligations? Regardless of your role in life, you and I have a few things in common:

-We love to dream.
-God designed us to dream.
-And there's no day like today to start discovering God's best!

I need you to know that I'm not so far up in the clouds that I am unaware of your everyday realities. Life has prepared me well to be your Life Coach. I have a testimony of brokenness, and I'm honored to help you dream. Check out what I call "My 7 Big D's" events that shaped me for nearly twenty years.

My 7 Big D's
1982 Barely survived a serious, four-?month depression.
1986 Devastated by a totally unexpected divorce.
1988 Confused about having to rewrite my doctoral dissertation.
1990 Deeply saddened by the death of my ex-husband.
1991 Angered by a corporate downsizing, which left me laid off just days after buying a home.
1993 Terrified by a dating incident.
2001 Shocked by the death of my dream when my first book contract was canceled due to
budget cuts after 9/11.

What does this list tell you, other than that I must have built up a lot of stamina by now? It says that you can trust me to understand what you're going through and to tell it like it is when I coach you without skirting around the issues. I care deeply about making sure you don't get stuck in the quagmire of life, as I did too many times. These chapters will take you on a journey to find what you're really jazzed about what makes you smile, laugh, play, sing, and dance. It's time to daydream about the adventure God has in store for you!

Amos 4:13 tells us that God reveals His thoughts to us: "He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mortals, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth the Lord God Almighty is his name." We want to do whatever it takes to be ready for that revelation. As your Life Coach, I will come alongside you like a Barnabas (a name that Acts 4:13 tells us means "son of encouragement"). We will enjoy life changing chats about you, stealing precious moments within your hectic schedule. I know how hard it is for you to find time for a conversation about your legacy, your destiny, your divine urge. As you are able to sneak away from your daily routine, it will be my job and my joy to sit with you and draw out of you the distinct calling God laid on your heart eons ago, before you were ever born. And then, equally important, we will put baby steps in place to help you live out your exciting, God-designed purpose, which has long been the desire in your soul even if it has lain dormant.

This book is loaded with modern, true stories of everyday saints, Bible character parallels, inspirational quotes, some of my favorite Scripture verses, heartfelt prayers, ten coaching tips, forty action steps, reflection questions, and practical exercises with sample answers from my own life to trigger your thinking. (Don't miss the Web downloads, too, which are my special gift to you!) You will hear from real women, students, wives, mothers, a widow, career women, church staff members who all have tremendous testimonies to share. I urge you to break all of the normal book reading rules and jump into the chapters in any sequence you please. Did you know that doing the unexpected can change your perspective, which will then cause you to see your world through new eyes?

I've chosen these particular topics for us to explore in detail as we discover what it takes to Live Big!
1. Face Your Fears
2. Learn to Exhale
3. Honor Your Deepest Longings
4. Don't Ever Give Up
5. Use Your Past for Good
6. Expect Miracles
7. Forgive Someone
8. Eat Dessert First
9. Ask Jesus for Vision
10. Capture Your Live Big! Dream

I can't help but think: If only someone had told me that! or Why didn't I learn that in school? Frankly, I feel there ought to be a law mandating that schools teach us to be tenacious, forgiving, and courageous. We need classes at church that help us reach for our dreams, expect miracles, focus forward, and breathe calmly through adversity. But most important, we must learn how to play and to stop taking ourselves so seriously and to start cherishing God's incredibly specific plan for our lives. In this way, we address the habits that help us attract or sabotage God's boldest wishes for us. Each of the ten coaching tips will give you a broader, richer understanding of how to run and finish the race well.

You probably picked up this book because you want to travel boldly down the path to
purpose and fulfillment, yet perhaps you've lost sight of your dreams, hopes, and longings possibly because of regrets, exhaustion, stubbornness, fears, sins, and so on. We're all burdened with something. You want to bring glory to God with your life, but you may be carrying such a heavy weight of boredom, loneliness, doubt, pride, and/or hopelessness that you've forgotten how to unleash your creativity. The biblical perspective in this book will help you hear God's promptings more clearly and act on them with pure joy.

I encourage you to dream big dreams during this eye-opening, heart-pounding quest. Let me share with you forty proven, incremental steps that I personally have used for years and have coached my clients through action steps that will help you to live a significance filled life. God will be honored, and you will be blessed. You will find yourself empowered beyond your wildest imagination as you Live Big!
Will you take your first small step today?

Click here to order the book!

Some more valuable information about Katie Brazelton, Ph.D., M.Div., M.A., she is a life coach and bestselling author. She is the founder of Life Purpose Coaching Centers International which trains Christians worldwide to become Life Purpose Coach professionals and assist others to discover and fulfill God’s plan for their lives. Dr. Brazelton was formerly a licensed minister and director of women’s Bible studies at Saddleback Church and now is a professor at Rockbridge Seminary. She lives in Southern California and has two children and two grandchildren. She is the author of the bestselling series Pathway to Purpose for Women and Character Makeover: 40 Days with a Life Coach to Create the Best You.

iBloom’s very own Kelly Thorne and Betsy Ringer are trained Life Coach instructors. If you feel led to become a Life Purpose Coach please CLICK HERE to contact us for more information or email us at

Monday, April 19, 2010

Be All There by Glen Schneiders

Glen Schneiders is the Lead Pastor of Crossroads Christian Church

Are we fully anywhere anymore?  As I walk into a meeting or church gathering, I note the number of cell phones in texting mode. I can’t help but wonder how many of us are fully engaged – in anything; that includes the meetings at work, the family dinner, or church services. With wireless on computers and emails arriving by phone day or night, there is no such thing as a vacation. (Unless you have had the misfortune of a company imposed furlough, then you could lose your job if you responded to email.)

I am not anti-technology.  The conveniences of bringing the world to us cannot be ignored.  But what if we want to be truly off for a day or a week?  What about the biblical concept of Sabbath rest (one day in seven that is designed for rest, refreshment and reflection)?  Do a number of stress related illnesses that affect more and more get propagated by our constant availability to people?  Have you ever received an email on the weekend that you wished you had waited to read until Monday morning?

Allow me to make some suggestions for being all there:
  • Turn off your phones at dinner.  Refuse to let something less important distract you from what is most important.  If you are really brave, refuse to read email for at least one day of the weekend.  If that goes well, you might be ready to try it for some portion of your next vacation.
  • In meetings, determine to be fully there.  No texts, no emails.  As an aside, I believe as leaders we owe it to people to not waste time.  Get started on time, get to the point, and then get out.  We are all busy.
  • In church, sit enraptured by the amazing words of wisdom by the preacher.  Okay, at least give the guy a chance instead of tweeting about him.  Remember God spoke through a donkey in the Old Testament.  He might want to do it again!  Come to think of it that analogy might apply to your boss as well.  

Ecclesiastes 9:10 (New American Standard Version) “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…”  (Hard to do when diverted by multiple inputs.)

Jim Elliot observed, “Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." 

Determine to be all there this week … at work, at home, at church.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Five Secrets that Turn Good Intentions into Real Results by Betsy Ringer

I pulled up to the red light and glanced at the van positioned next to me, slightly forward. The woman in the driver’s seat was on her cell phone. Her head was looking down like she was searching for something in her purse. Three kids were in the back seats with school papers and one was putting on soccer shoes. The mother flung her arm back with an object for one of the kids. It looked like she was talking frustratingly to someone on the phone or maybe she was on hold and reprimanding the kids. I don’t know. But as she snapped the phone shut and our eyes met, we recognized each other. Her frazzled face turned into a broad smile and she waved as the light turned green and she quickly zoomed away - probably a bit embarrassed.

This scene reminded me so much of myself when I was about that age. I had a full life with work, husband, kids, home, friends, and a to-do list that kept me in constant turmoil. I carried around a sense of discontent and felt guilty about it. I seemed to look at what wasn’t quite right rather than really realizing how great things were nor feeling equipped to make things better. I found a quote that popped me into awareness, “What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner!” (Collette, French novelist who wrote Gigi)

Since then I have learned many secrets about shifting from living to thriving. I have worked with thousands of women sharing tools, stories, insights, resources and perspective shifts. Gradually they move from feeling like life is slipping away to the ability to manage important life areas and then focus on what really matters. They learn how to turn good intentions into real results that brighten their lives.

Today, I’d like to share just five of those secrets:

1. Develop a compelling vision for how you want your life to go. Before you take a trip or drive to a new city you consult a map and decide which route you will take. Do the same for your life.

2. Find resources that help you be the strong person you know you are. We can’t know everything so find the “experts” and let them guide you.

3. Make friends with time. Craft today – truly the only day you have – so that it is well-lived. Guard against being in a hurry – it’s a sickness.

4. Give yourself permission to be happy. Get healthy, de-clutter, embrace your inner Pollyanna, and choose to manage your life a way you can thrive.

5. There are some things you must give up to get what you truly want. We have been brought up to be consumers and addicts - shopping, food, email, busyness, perfection, activity, etc. It’s so difficult to let go of what’s destroying us but when we do we make room for what God truly has for us!

This is just the beginning. You no longer have to ask, “But how do I start?” NOW is the time to invest in others by investing in yourself. You can begin this month to turn your good intentions into real results in 12 key areas of your life.

I have a new iThrive group starting April 27. Monthly, you will receive materials that break down the important life areas for success into manageable, bite-sized pieces. Then you meet once a month with a fabulous group by phone for coaching and encouragement to make lasting change. You can realize the wonderful life you live and gain tools and resources to manage it so you can focus on what really matters.

I really want to see you in my group. I’d love to see you finally make the breakthrough you’ve always dreamed of! It's not too late to begin.

CLICK HERE to find out more and register.

Please LEAVE A COMMENT if you would like to be part of my group but need another time slot. I’ll be starting another group soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have some GREAT news for you!! I mean REALLY great news!! This is particularly refreshing news after being weighed down by depressing TV news and circumstances and people around us. Ready? You can be POWERFUL through unfavorable circumstances!!! YES! You can THRIVE not merely survive!

Are you exhausted or overwhelmed?

Do the pieces of your life need some de-cluttering, sorting through, and recalibrating so you can experience joy through all circumstances?

Do you feel like the days, months, years are slipping away and you WANT to make your life count – REALLY COUNT – for something?

If you are ready to stop letting life slip by and live a life of passion, balance, purpose, and fulfillment, it’s time for you to THRIVE!!

iThrive is a 12-month holistic approach that empowers you to get healthy and thrive in all areas of your life. Each month you receive a packet of materials with information and exercises. You create an action plan for intentionally living the life you love in a variety of areas, including your unique purpose, physical health, finances, spiritual intimacy, family roles, support system, career, home environment, service, your life legacy and more.

Believe me, you are not alone! LOTS of women realize their lives aren’t what they want them to be, but don’t quite know what to do to move forward. Let me give you an analogy. When I was about 7 or 8 I went to a local amusement park with my family. I wanted to go into the FUN HOUSE – well, that’s what it was called, but it was more like a FRIGHT HOUSE to me! The rooms inside were slanted and contained lots of weird illusions and the hallways moved and air blew forcefully at you and things popped out when you least expected it.

It was really quite horrifying to me. Maybe I was presented with situations that were different and I just didn’t have the perspective to know how to handle them. I wanted sooo much to just find my way out. I remember coming to a very small room in an octagonal shape. It had lots of doors with mirrors and you had to find the right one to go through. If you opened a door that wasn’t the way out, something would pop out at you or there would be a loud sound or simply something weird would confront you. I remember being so frightened because I just didn’t know what to do.

Well, I have to say sometimes life is like that as an adult!! There are so many choices to make and we feel like if we make the wrong choice life will only be more complicated or we will have to deal with something even MORE frightening.

iThrive is meant to help you look at those “doors” in a strategic way and make sense of the obstacles that are keeping you from truly enjoying life. We don’t have to succumb to what’s going on around us. With the right tools, a plan, and people we value, we can be powerful.

iThrive is an opportunity to learn with a group of other women; to receive guidance, encouragement and a gentle push when we are having a tough time pressing through an issue. Don’t go it alone. You CAN be powerful even during this time when circumstances seem to sabotage our efforts or when there are so many choices that clutter our daily living.

iThrive can be a self-study process or a group coaching opportunity where you journey with a small group of women from around the world. If you are part of the coaching group, we will meet once a month for you to receive Life Coaching in the topic for the month. We will also correspond by email. You can work through the materials on your own, but I must say there is a GREAT advantage to being part of a coaching group.

I have a new group starting up on April 27. We will meet by phone the fourth Tuesday of the month during your lunch break or coffee break, 12-1 PM EST. I want to personally invite you to join my group. CLICK HERE to get more information and/or sign up for a group.

I know that as women, we don’t mind spending money on our families and other people. However, for some reason we feel guilty spending money on ourselves. But think of it as an investment in the lives of those around you. You want to be the healthiest that you can be in all areas of your life so you can give others your very BEST self!! For the cost of a small coffee or a soft drink per day, you can make a wise investment in your one wonderful life!

So take steps now to THRIVE not just survive!!! Be powerful and live the life you love!!

To share your story, question or encouragement CLICK HERE