Saturday, April 24, 2010

40% of Your Happiness is Up to You by Betsy Ringer

Researchers have found that:
• 50% of our happiness quotient is a result of our genetic makeup
• 10 % of our happiness is the result of circumstances
• And 40% of our happiness comes from our own intentional activities – what we CHOOSE to be, do or have.

Let that sink in. Our feelings of overwhelm, hurriedness, perfectionism, insecurity, and indulgent living lead us to believe we are victim to our circumstances: my kids need scholarships so I must have them in fifty activities; or if I can just get through this week/month things will slow down.

Okay, my house gets messy. Well my LIFE gets messy too. I clean up my house and I can clean up my life. Distractions cause messiness in my life. These distractions are disguised as:
• Physical unhealthiness
• Poor systems of doing things
• Dysfunctional surroundings
• Mental overload
• Time management issues
• Frail relationships

When our surroundings, work, and life are chaotic, so is our day-to-day living. We don’t want to live less than spectacular; we want our lives to BE spectacular. That doesn’t mean perfect. It means you have some tools and resources that help you know where you’re going, untangle some of your messes, and make a plan to live in a way that matters most to you. When you understand who you are, where you are headed, and how to manage strategic areas of your life, you will find happiness and joy in even the most mundane parts of your life. The BIG picture is crucial for the everyday picture to come into focus and clarity.

Choose your happiness today! “…there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.” - Ecclesiastes 3:12

You might be surprised, but small changes – with the right tools and resources – can make a big difference! I invite you to be a part of one of my upcoming iThrive groups. iThrive guides you step by step to:
• Clear the clutter in 12 vital life areas
• Free you from just getting by to experiencing life with confidence and fullness.
• Manage your distractions; experience mental clarity; cultivate sparkling relationships; develop strategic action plans
• BE spectacular.

iThrive coaches you to take action on and manage 12 areas of your life that have been filled with distractions, clutter and uncertainty so you can live with greater meaning, purpose and direction. Remember you choose 40% of your happiness through how you decide to live.

I love hearing stories like this from iBloom clients: "You know I'm loving iThrive - love the blog, the podcasts, all of it! You ladies have a Christ-centered approach without a bunch of psycho-babble, and unlike many other programs (and books) I've looked into, you have really reached where I am... right, yet helped me move forward towards the future. Thank you."

I have a new iThrive group starting April 27. Receive materials monthly that break down the important life areas for success into manageable, bite-sized pieces. Then meet once a month with a fabulous group by phone for coaching and encouragement to make lasting change. Gain tools and resources to manage your one wonderful so you can focus on what really matters.

I really want to see you in my group. I’d love to see you finally make the breakthrough you’ve always dreamed of!

CLICK HERE to find out more and register.

Please leave a COMMENT if you would like to be part of my group but need another time slot. I’ll be starting another group soon.

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