Monday, April 19, 2010

Be All There by Glen Schneiders

Glen Schneiders is the Lead Pastor of Crossroads Christian Church

Are we fully anywhere anymore?  As I walk into a meeting or church gathering, I note the number of cell phones in texting mode. I can’t help but wonder how many of us are fully engaged – in anything; that includes the meetings at work, the family dinner, or church services. With wireless on computers and emails arriving by phone day or night, there is no such thing as a vacation. (Unless you have had the misfortune of a company imposed furlough, then you could lose your job if you responded to email.)

I am not anti-technology.  The conveniences of bringing the world to us cannot be ignored.  But what if we want to be truly off for a day or a week?  What about the biblical concept of Sabbath rest (one day in seven that is designed for rest, refreshment and reflection)?  Do a number of stress related illnesses that affect more and more get propagated by our constant availability to people?  Have you ever received an email on the weekend that you wished you had waited to read until Monday morning?

Allow me to make some suggestions for being all there:
  • Turn off your phones at dinner.  Refuse to let something less important distract you from what is most important.  If you are really brave, refuse to read email for at least one day of the weekend.  If that goes well, you might be ready to try it for some portion of your next vacation.
  • In meetings, determine to be fully there.  No texts, no emails.  As an aside, I believe as leaders we owe it to people to not waste time.  Get started on time, get to the point, and then get out.  We are all busy.
  • In church, sit enraptured by the amazing words of wisdom by the preacher.  Okay, at least give the guy a chance instead of tweeting about him.  Remember God spoke through a donkey in the Old Testament.  He might want to do it again!  Come to think of it that analogy might apply to your boss as well.  

Ecclesiastes 9:10 (New American Standard Version) “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…”  (Hard to do when diverted by multiple inputs.)

Jim Elliot observed, “Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." 

Determine to be all there this week … at work, at home, at church.

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