Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Faith to Move Forward

By Sandra Harris Frey

I’m always amazed by the beauty of God’s creatures. The babies born in the spring are just now getting on their feet and becoming independent. Their parents teach them everything they need to know to get them on their way. We have some baby birds who are just learning to fly and how to balance themselves on the birdfeeder in our backyard. Their little peeps of song and their antics to impress their parents are always a welcome pleasure in the early evening.

Last Saturday as I was making my way across the yard to the storage shed, something caught my eye on the ground next to one of my “ailing azalea” plants. It was a baby rabbit. It had apparently been born under our deck in the back yard and was venturing out for the first time. It was about three or four inches long, with fur that looked soft and silky. Its little ears were peeled back and eyes that were large and dilated with what I’m certain was fear.

About the time that I discovered this little beauty, my husband was preparing to mow the backyard. I showed him our little visitor and cautioned him to be careful as he mowed in case there were others running about the yard. I pulled some sweet grass out of the ground and started to lay it at the baby rabbit’s feet to feed, but the little thing was frightened by my movements and scurried back under the safe haven of the deck.

When we venture out on a new adventure, we sometimes scurry back to what’s familiar or safe. Change is hard and new avenues to explore can be frightening. What motivates us take those next steps to discover new frontiers? The sweet taste of success naturally.

It takes courage and bravery to begin those first steps and God’s word always has the right answers for us. His word motivates and graces us with the right words to steer us to triumph. Have faith to continue your exploration.

Psalm 32:8
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go.”

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