Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hannah...Clinging to a Dream

Selections from 1 Samuel 1:

With a grieved soul Hannah prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly. Making a vow she pleaded, "O Lord of Hosts, if You will take notice of Your handmaid's affliction and remember me and not get me and give Your handmaid a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life."...Although her lips were moving, her voice couldn't be heard, so Eli concluded that she was drunk..."Oh no, my Lord" Hannah replied..."I've been pouring out my soul before the Lord."...

Eli responded, "Go in peace and may the God of Israel grant the petition that you've requested from Him."

Never dream without prayer. When we talk to other about the dreams in our lives, we often get blind stares of disinterested discouragement-roadblocks, rejection. But when we take our dreams to God, we begin and adventurous journey of faith. It may mean being broken along the way, but only to let our dream escape. It may mean going through seasons of searching, but only to determine how much our dream is selfish-and to prove how badly we really want God's way. Prayer keeps holy dreams alive.

Hannah was tested.

We are tested so our character will match our dreams. Christian character is a work in progress for us as believers. When God gives us a dream, we may need a lot of work on and in our lives to enable us to handle the dream. Our sufficiency and strength should always be in God-and God alone. As with Hannah, it usually is a pretty good clue that the test or the dream is from God when things don't work easily.

The greater the dream, the greater testing.

Do you have a dream that feels like it's dying in your life? Don't give up. Take it to God in prayer today. And trust Him to do more with your dream than you could ever do yourself.

Exert from "Women of Character" by Lawrence Kimbrough

Monday, July 30, 2007

My Princess...Give Me Your Plans

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3

I know you have an idea in your head on how everything should unfold in your life. Even today you have an agenda. Because I love you, I need you to give Me back all your plans for today and for all your tomorrows. If you let Me have your day, I can then intervene with something special. My intervention will give you more joy in your journey than your good intentions. I know all that your heart longs for, and I want to do more for you than you could ever do for yourself. So give Me a chance to change your agenda from ordinary to extraordinary, because that's the kind of life I've destined you to live, My beloved.


Your King and your Planner

Exert from "His Princess: Love Letters for Your King" by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Are You In A Drought?

By: Sandra Harris Frey

The summer drought of 2007 has most of the state of Kentucky needing an additional 6 – 10 inches of rainfall in order to be properly hydrated.

It is almost an endless losing battle to water the grass, plants, and flowers because it’s time consuming and can become very costly. When the drought becomes critical to the area, communities must enforce water restrictions. Water restrictions conjure up images of wilted grass, flowers, and plants…unless you are prepared.

Prepared for a drought? The solution is simple. A rain barrel. What’s a rain barrel? The definition is “a barrel used as a cistern to hold rainwater”. A rain barrel catches the rainwater throughout the year and is a perfect outside water source.

Our plant life goes dormant and sometimes even dies if we do not give it the necessary nutrients and water. Our faith and commitment can also go through a “dry spell” if we do not give it what it needs to sustain. The constant demands of our daily lives become repetitive and tedious. We go through the motions, while our souls are in desperate need of refreshment. We do not always recognize our need until we are befallen with tragedy – an illness, an accident or even the death of a loved one. During these times, we either blame God or turn to him.

Is your soul in a drought? Are you prepared? Is our Lord your rain barrel?

Jeremiah 17:8
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Princess...Trust Me With Those You Love

"Those who trust in the Lord are secure in Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever." Psalm 125:1

I know your heart, and I know how much you love those close to you. I am your Creator and the Giver of every good gift. I have given you loved ones to share your life with. But you, My child, must remember those you love ultimately belong to Me--not to you. I didn't give you those special relationships to tear you apart or to control you through fear of the future. Like Abraham did with his only son, Isaac, I need you to open your heart and give back to Me those you love. Trust Me with everything that concerns you regarding them. Place your hand in Mine, and I promise I will walk you-and your loved ones-through all things this life brings.

Your trustworthy King

Exert from "His Princess: Love Letters from your King" by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Monday, July 23, 2007

Be Joyful and Thankful

"Be joyful always; pray continuously; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18

When God tells us to be joyful, He doesn't mean that we're supposed to be happy about everything that happens to us. Some things are too painful for us to be happy about. But, joy comes from knowing that God is in control. He also wants us to pray about everything. He wants us to talk to Him about things in our life and to thank Him because He's molding us into His image through every circumstance.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Becoming a servant leader

Becoming a servant leader through putting others first
By Katie Brazelton & Christian Stevenson

Evan Almighty is a cute, summer-released, PG movie about a newly elected Virginia congressman, Evan Baxter, who faces a crisis of biblical proportions. God (played by Morgan Freeman) actually appears to him multiple times and asks him to build an ark. After much hilarity, Evan decides to step up to the plate and obey God, but he is abandoned by his family and friends, who – fair enough – think he's gone mad. As Evan, AKA Noah at this point, dives into the ark-building process by himself, he changes from a brash leader into a quiet servant on-assignment.

The remarkable thing about the flick is watching Evan, an important statesman, humbly do such back-breaking work, day-in and day-out. He seems to have found a level of contentment and joy as he goes about his endless tasks. Because of his calm persistence about his immediate mission in life, he eventually attracts a few followers (albeit his family and a whole lot of animals) to help him build the ark. Later, as a local dam breaks and a flood destroys a valley of homes, Evan also attracts the attention of congress, the media, and the public – as they better understand his visionary leadership. You and I may not be called upon by God to save followers from a real-life impending flood, but we are definitely asked by him to live our lives as servant-leaders.

So ... what might that look like for a Christian man or woman in today's world? How can we serve and lead a group, look out for everyone's needs – and do so joyfully and humbly – amidst so many critics? Read More

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Faith to Move Forward

By Sandra Harris Frey

I’m always amazed by the beauty of God’s creatures. The babies born in the spring are just now getting on their feet and becoming independent. Their parents teach them everything they need to know to get them on their way. We have some baby birds who are just learning to fly and how to balance themselves on the birdfeeder in our backyard. Their little peeps of song and their antics to impress their parents are always a welcome pleasure in the early evening.

Last Saturday as I was making my way across the yard to the storage shed, something caught my eye on the ground next to one of my “ailing azalea” plants. It was a baby rabbit. It had apparently been born under our deck in the back yard and was venturing out for the first time. It was about three or four inches long, with fur that looked soft and silky. Its little ears were peeled back and eyes that were large and dilated with what I’m certain was fear.

About the time that I discovered this little beauty, my husband was preparing to mow the backyard. I showed him our little visitor and cautioned him to be careful as he mowed in case there were others running about the yard. I pulled some sweet grass out of the ground and started to lay it at the baby rabbit’s feet to feed, but the little thing was frightened by my movements and scurried back under the safe haven of the deck.

When we venture out on a new adventure, we sometimes scurry back to what’s familiar or safe. Change is hard and new avenues to explore can be frightening. What motivates us take those next steps to discover new frontiers? The sweet taste of success naturally.

It takes courage and bravery to begin those first steps and God’s word always has the right answers for us. His word motivates and graces us with the right words to steer us to triumph. Have faith to continue your exploration.

Psalm 32:8
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go.”

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What Was A Turning Point In Your Life?

A turning point in your life can be a minor incident, a major event, or a sudden realization which causes you to change, either for the good or bad, the course you are on. It is a time during which you take stock of your situation and then take action. It can be a dramatic wake-up call to stop doing something, or it can be a simple, conversational affirmation that makes you finally pay attention to one of your life dreams. What in your life has caused you to turn from Plan A to Plan B? And what was the result of that change in direction? God wants to be intimately involved in all the turning points of your life. He knows there is much at stake for his kingdom-building plans, and he wants to see you through!

Did You Change Your Course?

A turning point in your life could have been an illness, accident, graduation, household move, betrayal, major disappointment, or the realization that you were “bored out of your mind.” It could have been a joyful conversion to Christianity or complete surrender to Christ as Lord. It might have been an inheritance that dramatically improved your lot in life or unleashed sin in your life. It could have bee a baby’s birth or the death of a loved one. It could have been a job lay-off or a crumbled marriage.

What Was a Turning Point in Your Life?

Saul Had a Major Turning Point

Saul, a persecutor of Christians whose name was later changed to Paul, experienced a 180-degree turnaround in his life when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus. Read Acts 9:1-22. Have you allowed your turning points to draw you closer to God or to push you farther from him?


Show me the way I should go, for to you I life up my soul.
(Psalm 143:8)

So…What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?

Exert from "Praying for Purpose" by Katie Brazelton


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1. Click the word “Comments or No Comments” at the bottom of each post.

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3. Type your thoughts in the “Leave A Reply” section near the bottom of the page. You can comment on the blog post itself or respond to what someone else had to say about it.

4. Enter your name, email and website IF YOU CHOOSE TO. You can post anonymously if you want to. We’re looking for conversation here more so than identity so feel free to remain anonymous.

5. Be sure to review your post with one last look before clicking on “Submit Comment.”

6. Once you submit, the rest of us can read your thoughts and possibly even respond with a comment of our own.

I know it sounds complicated, but it goes quickly once you get the hang of it.

So, give it a shot. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Monday, July 16, 2007

My Princess...Come to Me

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29

I saw you before you were born. Even then you were on My mind, My daughter. I knew you were coming, and I did everything possible to express My love to you and extend My invitation to you. Now that you are Mine, I want you to continue to come to Me. Come to Me when you feel strong and when you feel weary. Come to Me when you are rejoicing and when your spirit is crushed. I ask you to come not only to give you rest, but also because there is so much more I want to teach you. There is more of Me I want to reveal to you. You see, I did not create you for this fallen world. I created you for Paradise, but the curse of sin tore us apart. I've conquered sin and death for you through the death of My son, so come to Me...and live.


Your King who is waiting

Exert from "His Princess: Love Letters From Your King" by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What were your born to tell the world?

God has gifted you with a life message to share with the world. That message or idea is what he wants you to communicate to others. Being chosen as one of God’s spokepersons is both an important responsibility and an awesome privilege. Some women run from the task; others experiment with it for only a brief period of time; and some fully embrace it. Just remember that a message is not a message until it is delivered! It is your choice today to decide how you will respond to God’s invitation to carry his message to his world. It might be interesting for you to take note of what message your friends like to share with others for God! Uncovering their life messages will definitely give you a clue about God’s plan for their lives and why you like them so much. Perhaps their life message challenges you or helps you refocus.

God-Given Proclamations

Have you noticed that the same encouraging comment comes spilling out of your heart and mouth all the time? For example, Hope against all odds. Or, Jesus loves me. Do you sometimes feel like a preacher when you say someone: Serve as if you are serving Jesus. Or, you will find freedom in Christ. What Christlike theme ranks at the top of your list? Love one another. Or, surrender to Jesus Christ today. What do you wish you could shout from the mountaintop? Forgive one another. Or, protect unborn babies.

What Were You Born To Tell The World?

John the Baptist Had a Life Message from God

John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way for the Lord. His life message: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Read Matthew 3:1-12. How would you like to have been assigned John’s message and place in history?


However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task of the Lord Jesus has given me – task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. (Acts 20:24)

So…What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?

Exert from "Pathway to Purpose for Women" by Katie Brazelton

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Conquering The Return to Reality Blues

By: Sandra Harris Frey

Vacation. This word rings such excitement! The daily routine of life can become very monotonous unless you “shake it up” with a great trip or two throughout the year!

You begin the process by selecting the destination, the date, the accommodations, and the activities for the length of your stay. The anticipation builds as you get closer to the date of the planned trip. You begin selecting your attire and ultimately begin the packing process (not one of my favorites). There are always purchases made in advance and it’s best to make a list. Sunscreen, camera batteries, a good book, board games or cards, hair care products, a new bathing suit if you're going to the beach, and don't forget to stop at the bank! Ladies, whatever you do, do not forget to pack your makeup! It could be an ugly week without this necessity.

The vacation date finally arrives and you are on your way for some fun! Your stay is a great one, but the days seem to be in fast forward. Before you know it, you are headed on that big highway back home.

For all of you who work outside the home, the first day back to work from vacation may bring on an onslaught of cranky behavior. It’s “back to the old grind”.

Why is that we have such fun during our week of leisure, but sometimes forget to have fun year round? Each day should be filled with fun, laughter, and excitement while fulfilling the purpose at hand. I don't think that a bathing suit is appropriate attire for your work/home life (unless you are a lifeguard), but why not make each day fun and fulfilling.

Here are some tips for adjusting to life after vacation:

* Be nice to everyone.
* Choose clothing or jewelry that makes you smile when you put it on. Why wear things that do not make you smile?
* Exercise extra patience with those around you – ESPECIALLY your loved ones at home. Isn't patience supposed to be a virtue?
* Devote more time to prayer. The Lord listens to each and every prayer and always seems to give us the right answers and soothes our weary souls.

Blessings and have an awesome week!

Monday, July 9, 2007

9 to 5 Sanctuaries

By: Glen Schneiders, Crossroads Christian Church, Lexington KY

Gordon MacDonald directed a ministry in downtown New York City. He became acquainted with the public transportation drivers because he regularly used their services. Every so often he would have breakfast with some of the drivers. At one particular breakfast a driver lamented his vocation.

He said to MacDonald, “I wish I had a job like yours that was making a difference in the lives of people.” MacDonald offered some very sage advice. “I want you to try something for me. When you get on your bus tomorrow morning, before you do anything else I want you to close the door and pray this prayer: God make this bus a sanctuary for your presence today and make me your instrument of mercy and kindness.”

The bus driver reluctantly agreed to pray that prayer but was quite skeptical that anything could possibly change his tedious, menial job into something as significant as a sanctuary for God to work. A month went by before MacDonald crossed paths with the driver again.

When he did, he found a man quite different from the one that he had dined with the month before. Incredulous, the man told story after story of how God had used him to minister to the pain and needs in the lives of his harried passengers. God had indeed made his ordinary bus into sanctuary to dispense God’s mercy and kindness.

I’m going to guess that some of you aren’t real thrilled with your occupation. You see no connection between what you do and what God wants to do in the loves of people.

Will you take a moment today, as soon as you can, to quietly say to God, “Make this office…make this classroom…make this shop…make this warehouse a sanctuary? Make me an instrument of your kindness and mercy today.”

Colossians 3:23 (NIV) “Whatever you do (italics mine), work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men…”

Instead of going to work today for your company, why not go to work for God? I look forward to hearing what God does through you and in you, because God will show up if we make our workplaces His sanctuary.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

My Princess...

I Have Set You Apart

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world."
Jeremiah 1:5

I have called you to be set apart, just as I called those who came before you. I know this calling will sometimes come with great cost, but the eternal rewards are priceless and beyond comparison. Just as I did with Queen Esther, I have given you the ability to walk in such a way so all will see that you are divinely Mine. Some will admire you for your dedication to Me, and some will want you to fail rather than follow your lead. You may fall because you are not perfect, but your mistakes can be the tutors that make you wiser. Don't put pressure on yourself to be perfect. I'm the only one who can perfect you, My princess. All I ask is that you let Me set you apart so that I use you as a witness for the world to see.


Your King who sets you apart

Exert from "His Princess: Love Lettes from Your King" by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Make a Joyful Noise...

My morning drive to work takes about 25 to 30 minutes depending upon traffic. It’s the only time that I am alone during the day and it’s a good time to think about the day ahead or compile a “To Do” list to my “memory bank” or it’s just a good time to sing…and sing loud!

My morning commute is great entertainment for other drivers each day. Many of them catch me in mid-song at red lights (I’m an animated singer). Some may point, laugh or stare, but most smile knowingly because they are quite guilty of the same pleasure many times in their lives.

Some singers are famous. Some singers sing in a choir at church. Some singers sing their children lullabies at bedtime. Some singers sing to be joyful.

Singing can bring joy, peace, love, comfort, and happiness into our hearts. Remember hearing the bible verse “bring a joyful noise unto the Lord” when you were young? What better way to glorify the Lord than by singing his praises daily.

Let’s all become singers and sing a joyful song to the Lord each day.

"Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:2

By: Sandra Harris Frey

New iBloom Author

Meet Sandra Harris Frey, our newest contributing author to the iBloom blog.

Sandra Harris Frey began keeping a diary in her childhood years by jotting down humorous events of her day. To better develop and mold her writing interests, she enrolled in a creative writing class her senior year of high school at West Carter High School in Olive Hill, Kentucky and continued sharpening her skills by attending Morehead State University and Ashland Vocational Technical School.

Sandra is currently an Executive Secretary in Marketing and Community Relations at a local hospital in Lexington, where she is a contributing writer for their quarterly publication. She was previously affiliated with Jerrico, Incorporated from 1986 - 1990 and Thomas and King, Incorporated from 1990 – 2001, which are widely known corporations in the restaurant industry.

Sandra and her husband Jonathan reside in Lexington, Kentucky where they enjoy gardening, NASCAR racing, Thoroughbred racing, and relaxing on their back deck watching the wildlife. She is in the process of writing a "best seller" and hopes to have her works published in the next couple of years.