Monday, November 30, 2009

The Intangible Gifts - Receive with Grace and Give Generously by Leigh Ann Napier

We all have them. Those people in our lives who saw something in us when we couldn't see it, who encouraged us when we felt like giving up, or maybe even people who made positive deposits in our lives…and we haven't even met them.

A mother, grandmother, friend, sister, teacher, radio/TV host, author…

Hopefully, we all have them. Can you imagine what your life would be like now if they hadn't stepped up? If they hadn't slowed down and taken their eyes off of their own agenda long enough to see you, to encourage you, to inspire you, to believe in you? I don't want to know what my life would be like without these people (just for starters):

  • Mom, Rhonda Hall Kretzer-Amazing mother, entrepreneur, business owner, piano player, & beauty queen. Always made me believe I could do anything I set my mind to and continues to be my biggest cheerleader.
  • Nanny, Aileen Sellards Hall- Author, Postmaster, Sunday School teacher, Maker of the best fried chicken on earth. She shared with me her love for travel, writing, and hospitality. Also provided an amazing example of marriage to my grandfather for MANY years!
  • Maribeth Burton- My discipler in college through Campus Crusade for Christ. She took time to invest in me and to mentor me and I'm forever grateful.
  • Cristie Cerneglia- Wife, mother, radio host, Speaker, and my personal mentor. We started out as neighbors, she invited me to Bible Study Fellowship the day after we met, and has been encouraging me ever since.
  • Joyce Meyer-Even though I've never met her (yet) she has encouraged me and taught me through her TV/ Radio programs and books. An amazing teacher…I'm so thankful for her

I could go on and on about amazing people who have inspired and encouraged me. I am so thankful for each of them. God used them not forcefully but by invitation. They were obedient and willing to do what they saw as their contribution. They saw me and took the time and energy to help me believe something about myself that was yet to be seen. They had faith in me. Believing in what is unseen...that's faith! If everyone could see it, we wouldn't need faith!

As we enter this season of joy, I hope you will carve out some time to reflect on those people who have inspired and encouraged you. In the midst of the activity of the holiday season, don't miss the opportunity to feed someone's heart with your genuine gratitude or choosing to pay it forward by investing faith into someone you know.

Take time to consider the following:

  1. Who are the top 5 people in your life who have encouraged you or invested in you. What can you do to show them your appreciation? A card, phone call, or a visit?
  2. Is there someone in your family or circle of friends who could use some encouragement? Start today by doing one thing to let them know you believe in them.
A note is one of the best ways to send encouragement because they can refer to it over and over and over again. Let them know that they've made a difference to you. Make your recognition public by commenting on this blog and then sharing the iBloom blog link with them.

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