Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Think you’ve heard it all about GRATITUDE? Fresh Thoughts! by Betsy Ringer

Before you think you’ve heard it all about gratitude and have a good handle on it, we have some fresh ideas for you to think about. We invite you to listen to this week’s Blog Talk Radio show.

Here’s a quick recap of the show:
Gratitude is a character trait that needs to be cultivated. It takes TRAINING! Yes you need to train yourself to see blessings rather than the disappointments. When you catch yourself focusing on the disappointments have a scripture on hand that will help you shift your thinking. For example, “God can do incredibly more than we can ask or imagine.” Say your scripture until your thinking shifts to what you DO have to be grateful for. It will turn your complaining into dancing.

Okay, let’s be real. Sometimes life is HARD! We ALL get pricked by the brambles of life! Are you getting stuck by the circumstances of life right now? No matter how difficult, find one thing to be grateful for – maybe your breath, or heat in your home, or a soft bed to sleep in. Give what you DO have to God and place your HOPE in Him. Eventually you will see how He multiplies what you give Him and brings you through your sticky circumstances.

Be sure to read Lamentations 3:17-25

A MUST READ is Leigh Ann Napier’s Article called “In Search of Thanks.”

Coaching tip:
Who are the She-ros in your life? These are women who have had a positive influence in your life. They can be women you know; women you know OF but haven’t met; or characters in books or movies. What are the characteristics of these women that you admire? Write them down.
a. Thank God for these positive forces who have helped shape who you are today.
b. Now, review the characteristics you wrote down that describe these women. Chances are YOU have these same characteristics. Thank God for these positive characteristics you have that you can pass on to others!

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." -- Albert Schweitzer

Have some fun and watch The Gratitude Dance

Movie: “Why Did I Get Married” – Look for things that you are grateful for about your spouse and watch your perspective shift!

Jeremiah 29:11-13 The Message

Proverbs 3:5-6 The Message

C'mon - share something you are grateful for with us! It will just take a minute and will bless others!! Click here.

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