Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finding You.. Every Day by Tara McClenehan, Reaching Moms of Young Children

(Excerpt from “The New Me” by Colleen Kappeler as published in The Mommy Diaries.)
We celebrate our children’s uniquenss with abandon, relishing each new feat of genius, every step of creative independence. We encourage them to chase their dreams, seek out ways to practice their talents and strengths, and enjoy their passions. Why is it so hard to do the same for ourselves?

A map remains useless if left in the glove compartment. As women wired especially to live our own lives, one-of-a-kind creations tailor-made for significant impact, we owe it to ourselves and our families to fiercely protect our core identities. Our legacies flow from them, and they are what touch and move our children most intimately. Cultivate who you are; seek out ways to grow and to stimulate your true self. No one else can fill your role; no one else is prepared so perfectly to love your family, mother your children, live your life. You’ve got what it takes. It’s time to get going.

1.What surprised you the most about yourself once you became a mother?
2.How do you feel you have changed since motherhood? How do you feel you are the same?
3.Are there parts of yourself you feel you’ve lost and you deeply desire to regain?
4.Can you believe that you were created with amazing potential and with gifts that only you can bring to the table? If not, what is holding you back from embracing this truth?

Please add your comments on any of the above questions. We would love to hear from you! Click here to comment.

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