Thursday, May 14, 2009

Just a Spoonful of Sugar by Leigh Ann Napier

“Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…in the most delightful way.” Wise words from Mary. I have plenty of “medicine” in my life. Meaning things I know need to get done but I just don’t want to do them.

For me the worst dose would have to be cleaning. That is something that I really don’t enjoy. There are so many things I want to do with my days and spending it with a mop and a bottle of Fantastic just isn’t on my list.

So I have a choice to make, several options actually. I could:

  1. Hire someone to do that for me
  2. Complain and grumble while cleaning
  3. Not clean and live in a pig sty
  4. Find a way to make it less awful

I’m on a mission to pick #4 until the day I can convince my hubby to agree to #1. By the way, if you are in the #1 category, I’m a teensy bit jealous. Hope you are counting that as one of your blessings in life.

Let’s take a look at how I could carry out #4 Finding a way to make it less awful, that would prevent me from doing #2 Complaining and grumbling while I clean. Finding a way to make it less awful is my goal, not to be Martha Stewart.

So, what does a spoonful of sugar look like when applied to cleaning toilets. Here are some suggestions:

  • Play music or a book on tape while you work
  • Enlist your children to help with a treat planned when finished
  • Use a timer: Set it for 15 minutes, quit when it goes off. More than likely I will want to finish up what I am doing, but I am CHOOSING to continue at that point rather than feeling forced. The main point is: GET GOING
  • Touch things only once. For example, sort mail near the recycler then either toss it, file it, or put it in an action box.

As I mentioned before, I do not ever desire to win a Good Housekeeping award. But I do want to do what God has given me to do with the best attitude possible. He loves a cheerful giver, and your family will too.

For more tips on getting your house in order, check out this great website It is full of information to help you organize your home.

So two questions for you:

#1 What is the “medicine” in your life?

#2 Would you share a tip on how you can sweeten the experience?

This is my second entry of what I learned while watching Mary Poppins with my little girl. If you missed the first one, “Enough is as Good as a Feast” read the previous blog entry.

Check out Leigh Ann's bio at:

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Anonymous said...
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Angelina said...

oh great blog! my suggestion would be to always use positive or action words... this will help 'lift' the attitude of both yourself and others around you!!!

Erin Smith said...

Leigh Ann--

Thank you so much for reminding me that I have choices and for breaking up the seemingly monstrous tasks into bite size, and digestible bits !

Also, I LOVE Fly Lady. I have my cleaning zones all set up, just like she describes and it has been helpful for the Smith household to stay on top of things.

I look forward to mor eposts and all your insight.

Love, Erin

tonya said...

great job leigh ann! you are so right--it is all in the attitude, and aren't we supposed to do all things to our best ability to honor God? unfortunately, even housework! thanks for your insight and re-direction!

Cheryl Adams said...

Well said, Leigh Ann. Cleaning is not one of my favorite chores either so I will take your suggestions to heart!

Cheryl Adams said...

Well said, Leigh Ann!! Cleaning is not my favorite chore, either, so I will take your suggestions to heart! Blessings to you!

Unknown said...

Wonderful Blog! I too share your dislike of cleaning and I definitely need a better attitude about it! What a good reminder that there are so many other options than complaining!